Chapter 21

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I woke up slightly confused as to where I was and took a few moments to remember that I was finally at Laura's house. My home. For a while, I laid there and took in the room. There was a window above my head and shelves on one side of the room, although they didn't take up the whole wall. There was enough room for a desk too. The other side had two doors which I assumed one of them led to a bathroom, but I didn't know what the other one led to. After having laid there for at least half an hour, I finally stood up. I walked over to the door and gently pulled it open, taking in the view before me. In front, there was a huge living room with leather couches adorned with cushions and blankets, as well as a massive TV built into the wall above what looked to be an electric fireplace. I had seen them in an ad at the hospital. To my right was a wall of glass doors that led out to a balcony. There was a huge area with fake grass and the fence lined with small trees, as well a bright blue pool.

I took a step out of the doorway, onto the hardwood floors and walked the opposite way of the backyard. There was a huge staircase on my left and further in front was a big dining table. I also noticed the kitchen which had a huge marble bench with it. I could see a walk-in pantry at the back as well, fully stocked with food.

I walked past the kitchen and dining table and down a wide hallway which had two more doors with it. Photos lined every wall, each framed perfectly and placed neatly. At the end of the hallway was a big door, which to my shock, opened.

"You're awake!" Laura exclaimed, noticing me standing right in front of her. She was in active gear and had red cheeks, which led me to noticing the lead she was carrying. My eyes followed the lead to see a golden dog attached. I had never, ever had good experiences with dogs. "I just took Abi for a walk, but I ran a bit too." She explained. At least it was a girl dog.

Abi came up to me and sniffed whilst I stood rigid and frozen to the spot.

"Don't worry, she's old and won't do anything." Laura reassured me, noticing the tension. Soon Abi walked off and plonked herself down in the dog bed near the kitchen. I didn't notice that before. "Would you like something to eat?" Laura asked.

"Yes please." I nodded, following her into the kitchen.

"Toast good?" She asked and I nodded. "What would you like on your toast?"

"I don't mind, anything is fine."

"I know." She smiled to herself. I took a seat at the bar as Laura moved swiftly around the kitchen to make my toast. I'd never actually eaten it before, and especially not with something on it. "I was thinking we should go and get some more clothes for you. It's colder here than what you're used to."

"Oh, we don't have to do that. I'm fine with what I've got." I told her, right as she slid a plate over to me.

"Don't be silly. You barely have anything!" I didn't have the guts to tell her what she bought me was all I had and the most I'd ever had before. I took a bite into the toast covered with a light brown spread and instantly my mouth was glued together. It was delicious but very tiring to chew whilst my mouth was stuck together. "Sticky?" Laura laughed. "Happens every time."

I finished my toast and she told me to get dressed so I went and did was she was told. Everything I was wearing was new from Laura except for my shoes, which I wore without socks.

"Shoes are first on the agenda. I didn't want to buy them back there because they're cheaper here." Laura told me, noticing the worn-out pieces of fabric on my feet.

"Where's Chris?" I asked, following her out the front door. There was a huge roundabout with a fountain in the middle, and one car parked. It wasn't the same car as last night, but I figured that one was Chris's and this one is Laura's.

"He's at work." She smiled, unlocking the car. Her car was also white but not the exact same design as Chris's. It still had huge tyres and was high enough off the ground that it made it difficult for me to get in. Laura noticed my slight struggling and helped me up. Then we headed off.

We drove out of the gated property and continued to drive. Laura told me how we would go to a big shopping centre to get the furniture for my room, but today we would just go to a small strip of stores. Apparently, we were going to buy some shoes, more pyjamas, casual clothes and a few nice outfits as well as other 'essentials', as Laura referred to it.

We pulled up and got out of the car. There were plenty of people around and a few kids who I thought were around my age.

The first store we went into was full of shoes. I got to choose the designs I liked most, and Laura pointed out the ones she knew were most on trend. I got two pairs of runners, both the Nike brand. One pair was white and had a big base and a green tick on the side and the others were navy blue with an orange tick. Laura told me that the white ones weren't actually for running in but were more just a style.

The next store we went to was a clothing store, full of every kind of clothing you'd ever see. We got active wear like leggings, which I thought were really cool, as well as pyjamas, tracksuit pants, two jumpers, jeans, a few t-shirts and a pair of bathers. I told Laura repeatedly that I didn't need the bathers, but she insisted that the weather was going to start getting warmer in a few weeks and the pool was definitely going to be used. Laura also made sure we got lots of new socks, underwear and told me I should wear a crop top too, so we got some of those as well.

It took us about two hours after going to only these two shops, and Laura told me we had only been to half the stores she wanted us to go to.
Earlier update!! Please follow me!!

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