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Jungkook's P.O.V

Once Jin left you looked over at Taehyung who had moved a pillow and blanket to the couch leaving only one set remaining on the king-size bed left.

Jungkook: Hyung, I'll sleep on the couch-

Taehyung sat down on the couch and looked up at you

Taehyung: Too bad this spot is already taken, go sleep on the bed

You sighed and looked away frowning

Jungkook: Hyung I don't like the idea of having a prince sleeping on the couch and a servant occupying his bed.

Taehyung hummed as he laid down closing his eyes as he got comfortable

Taehyung: Hm did someone say something?

You sighed in defeat as he was clearly not giving up anytime soon, you slowly crawled into his bed and got under the covers before turning off the nightstand lamp

Jungkook: Thanks for letting me stay here tonight.. again

Taehyung: It's fine, get some rest now...

You closed your eyes and eventually felt yourself doze off as the exhaustion hit you...

You gasped as you were pulled into the storage room and thrown on the ground, as you look up your blood drained as you saw the guards from before.

They just smirked as they started kicking you making sure you were beat down

Guard: Think we can start now?

Guard2: Go for it, let's take turns

You shook your head as you tried to back away and sobbed trying to push them off as they tore your shirt up and started trying to pull off your pants

Jungkook: N-No-! S-STOP!

Taehyung's P.O.V

You were just about to doze off but frowned and sat up as you heard soft sniffling and sobbing coming from over where Jungkook was, you stood up and headed over crouching down next to him as he was sweating and sobbing in his sleep mumbling to himself.

You gently shook his as you tried to wake him

Taehyung: Hey..? Jungkook, wake up.. hey... it's me, wake up...

He gasped as sat up looking around as he panted looking panicked, you reached over to grab his hand and he flinched away gasping in fear

Taehyung: Hey you're okay, it's me...

He let out shaky sped up breaths as he tried to calm down while shivering

Jungkook: I- Sorry did I wake you-

You shook your head as you held his hand and lead him over to the bathroom, you wet a towel with some cold water before gently dabbing it on his forehead and neck to get rid of the sweat

Taehyung: I wasn't asleep, nightmare?

He lowered his head and nodded slowly while rubbing his arm

Jungkook: Y-yeah you could say that...

Jungkook's P.O.V

Taehyung kept dabbing the cold towel on your forehead and neck for a bit before putting it away and helping you back to bed, as he was about to leave you sighed and stopped him by grabbing onto his wrist gently

Jungkook: It's a king-sized bed.. can't you stay..?

Taehyung: Are you okay with that then?

You nodded softly and lowered your head while he got his things and moved them back onto the bed

Taehyung: What's on your mind?

You shook your head and smiled

Jungkook: It's nothing important-

Taehyung: I didn't question its importance, what's on your mind?

You gulped and before mumbling softly

Jungkook: No I just.. they told me that I was born to be a prostitute.. w-what if they're right..?

You giggled softly as you ruffled your hair

Jungkook: It just wouldn't leave my mind so...

Taehyung hummed as he looked down at you

Taehyung: First of all, they just said that to make what they were doing excusable, which anyone with a brain cell or two know still isn't.
And second of all, sex workers are human beings too. Are you really gonna listen to people making them sound like different species?

You nodded slowly in agreement and layed down sighing

Jungkook: Well that's true but...

Taehyung gently flicked your forehead as he turned towards you

Taehyung: Why do you keep saying you're fine when you're not dummy

You widened your eyes slightly before pulling the covers closer as you shrugged looking away

Jungkook: I'm f-fine though, nothing happened!

Taehyung flicked your forehead once again before shaking his head as you rubbed it lightly

Taehyung: Just because nothing extreme happened doesn't mean you're automatically fine.

You gulped and turned so you were looking up at the ceiling that had some glow in the dark star stickers, you then nodded slowly in defeat

Jungkook: Okay fine I'm not fine... happy?

you glanced over at Taehyung and he shook his head before looking up at the ceiling as well

Taehyung: I'm sorry I didn't report it earlier if I had done that this could've been avoided

Jungkook: Why are you apologizing? I was the one who told you not to-

Taehyung chuckled softly before closing his eyes and turning back onto his side facing you sighing tiredly

Taehyung: Because you do the same, you keep insisting on apologizing for something that wasn't your fault

Jungkook: But-

Taehyung hissed lightly as he opened his eyes

Taehyung: Let's sleep instead of arguing about this, clearly we could go on and on about who's right or wrong here

You closed your eyes and yawned as you nodded feeling tired yourself

Jungkook: Fine...


Oh god I would be lying if I said I didn't cry during the bangbangcon concert, this is the closest I'll ever get to one of their concerts so aaaaah 🥺💜

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Oh god I would be lying if I said I didn't cry during the bangbangcon concert, this is the closest I'll ever get to one of their concerts so aaaaah 🥺💜

(Due to money and where I live +the overall struggle of even getting a ticket)


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