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Jungkook's P.O.V

After you both finished eating you walked up to the cash register to pay, Taehyung was about to take out his card but you stopped him

Jungkook: It's on me

Taehyung tilted his head as he smiled

Taehyung: Fine but I'll buy us coffee then

You hummed and nodded in agreement before paying and turning towards him

Jungkook: Let's go then, there's a coffee shop just across the street from here

You both walked out together and you were just about to turn to cross the road when a scooter came straight towards you, Taehyung quickly pulled you close saving you from barely getting run over.
He glared over at the person on the scooter driving off quickly and hissed yelling after him


He looked down at you and you gulped at how close your faces were

Taehyung: You okay?

You nodded and smiled softly

Jungkook: Yeah, thanks for saving me again..

He ruffled your hair and nodded as you moved away from each other and crossed the street to go to the café, you gently nudged his shoulder as he was looking at the menu when you walked inside

Jungkook: It's always you saving me, isn't that a bit too cliché? When will you let me save you for a change

Taehyung chuckled as he looked away shyly while smiling warmly

Taehyung: Yeah? I don't mind saving you though~ Want an iced latte?

You smiled and nodded immediately and he stepped forward ordering your drink while you watched in admiration

Once you had gotten your drinks you decided to take a walk in the nearby park and just talk about anything and everything

Taehyung: So tell me more about yourself Koo

You hummed and sipped your drink

Jungkook: Well I'm not an interesting person so don't expect too much

Taehyung smiled as he glanced over at you

Taehyung: I don't mind at all

You nodded softly and smiled feeling your heart flutter happily as you walked side by side slowly

Jungkook: Hmm.. well I'm an orphan as you know, my first and only best friend is Yoongi who was also a orphan. You've met him, he got adopted by the Min family

Taehyung nodded and hummed

Jungkook: My favorite color is light beige, I'm afraid of the dark and I've only ever worked short term small jobs like a delivery person, cafe waiter, street cleaniner and lastly at a convenience store with the minimum wage

Taehyung frowned as he tilted his head lightly

Taehyung: Damn.. also wasnt it at the convenience store that the boss kicked you out suddenly so his son could work there instead

You smiled and nodded kicking a stone as you hummed softly

Jungkook: Yes, picked the worst day to do it on as well. Same day I was kicked out of the orphanage

Taehyung sighed softly meanwhile you sipped your drink

Taehyung: Things must've been hard for you huh?

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