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Jungkook's P.O.V

You gulped as you fixed yourself nervously while Taehyung sat down on the couch and patted the spot next to him

Taehyung: Hey come sit down bub... it's gonna be okay

You slowly walked over and sat down as you fidgeted with your hands nervously

Jungkook: You don't know that hyung... What if they kick you out as well?!

Taehyung lifted your chin gently as he looked into your eyes

Taehyung: Then that's what happens and we'll figure something out.

You moved away as the door opened and the king and queen walked inside together, they sat down on the couch in front of you and Taehyung before looking at the two of you

Queen: Is something wrong dear, why the sudden family meeting?

You lowered your head as Taehyung took a deep breath nodding

Taehyung: I wanted to tell you about this before pictures could, I just ask for you both to respect my choices... our choices...

He gently held your hand as you slowly looked up at them, the queen widened her eyes slightly meanwhile the king glared at you while gritting his teeth.
He stood up and pointed at you while shouting

King: Why you little- I told you not to get near my son, yet you go and seduce him?! How dare you!

The queen gently made him sit back down as Taehyung glared back at him

Taehyung: I was the one who seduced him first! Besides who I date is my choice, not yours!

You gently tapped his shoulder as you looked up at Taehyung

Jungkook: Hyung don't yell, let's talk about this calmly...

Taehyung: He yelled first!

You tilted your head as you looked into his eyes, he sighed and nodded as he relaxed. The queen smiled lightly at you as she reached over holding your hands

Queen: I understand your feelings for each other, but... We just can't support this darling, Taehyungs gonna be a king and he needs to find a queen to be by his side...

You gulped lowering your head meanwhile Taehyung huffed in annoyance

Taehyung: There you go talking about that queen bullshit! Not to mention all the blind dates you've set me up with give me a fucking headache, I've said this before but I could never rule a kingdom with someone like that by my side.

The king groaned as he crossed his arms

King: You just haven't found the right one yet then!

Taehyung chuckled as he rolled his eyes in disbelief, you gently held his arm as you tried to make him calm down

Jungkook: Hyung let's calm down... We've told them now, we didn't tell them about this to start a fight remember?

Taehyung looked at his father while tilting his head

Taehyung: How long are you gonna refuse to accept that I am gay? I found the right one, and it's Jungkook.

King: Why you-!

Suddenly the door opened as Jin rushed inside handing you your phone, he bowed to the king and queen quickly

Jin: I'm sorry for barging in so suddenly Mr. and Mrs.Kim... Jungkook- they called from the orphanage... Byul has gone missing...

Your heart sank out of worry as you slowly stood up shaking your head

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