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Jungkook's P.O.V

As the crowning ceremony date was approaching you could feel yourself grow more and more anxious by the day, you just couldn't help but to worry.

You snapped out of your thoughts as Jin patted your shoulder while looking down at you

Jin: Whats up Koo? I was calling you but you were completely zoned out, not feeling well?

You smiled softly as you continued cutting up the vegetables shaking your head

Jungkook: I'm fine, I just zoned out haha...

Jin sighed softly as he started helping you chop the vegetables

Jin: You're worries about the crowning ceremony aren't you

You sighed softly and nodded

Jungkook: Yeah.. I've just been pushing aside the fact that he's a royal.. but now it's unavoidable, he's about to take over as the king now.. meanwhile I'm just a commoner.. a servant

Jin nudged you gently as he hissed

Jin: I told you to stop degrading yourself! So what if you're not a royal, you told his dad that yourself they could learn a thing or two from a non royal!

You rolled your eyes softly and continued cutting up the vegetables but hissed lightly as your hand slipped making you accidentally cut your finger

You sighed and headed over putting it under cold water as Jin was getting a plaster for you

Jin: Be careful, you could've hurt yourself badly

You smiled as he applied the plaster and looked down at you

Jin: Listen koo, before you came here Taehyung took everything for granted and he had a really bad attitude.
But after you came here it was like something in him clicked and he's become this completely new person

Jin patted your head as you pouted slightly

Jin: Hes become so cheerful and warm-hearted, he doesn't take anything or anyone for granted anymore and he genuinely has become happier. Don't you dare doubt yourself for a second, if anyones worthy to be by his side its you.

Jin sighed as he shook his head

Jin: He'd really be a fool to leave you for some stupid royal rules..

You looked away as your eyes stung a bit while you giggled and sniffled softly

Jungkook: J-jeez have you been cutting onions or s-something..

Jin rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms

Jin: I'll cut up the rest, Taehyung should be back from his meeting now

You nodded and smiled softly before walking off to go look for him, you looked around and smiled as he came down the stairs and walked up to you caressing your head

Taehyung: There you are, I was looking for you..

Jungkook: Did the meeting go well?

Taehyung nodded as he held your hands before lifting your left hand seeing the plaster

Taehyung: What happened?

You giggled softly as you looked into his eyes as you patted your head with your free hand

Jungkook: My hand just slipped when I was cutting the vegetables, its just a small cut

Taehyung lifted your hand up and kissed it making eye contact with you making you blush lightly

Jungkook: W-what was that for hyung

He smiled as he chuckled softly

Taehyung: Just because I wanted to..

You bit your bottom lip as you felt your heart beating fast even from such a "small" gesture, you both hummed as you heard your names being called

You gulped and quickly bowed properly as you realized it was the king and queen

King: You really don't try to hide it huh?

You gulped and whispered a soft sorry meanwhile the queen nudged him gently

Queen: Don't be so harsh on them, how are the preparations for the ceremony coming along dear?

Taehyung: They're fine... Bub let's go, we should pick up Byul

You looked up at him abd then at his parents shaking your head gently

Jungkook: I'll go get him, you should continue with preparations

You quickly hurried off not wanting to risk having to get scolded again for still dating Taehyung after they disapproved.

Sure you acted brave outwards sometimes but lately you're becoming more and more terrified of reality.

Later that night...

You sighed as you walked down the hallway, you had just finished running some errands outside of the mansion and were just about to head back to yours and Byuls room to change when you got a message from Taehyung

We need to talk
Come outside
Byuls sleeping so I don't wanna talk about this there.


Oh boy we going sad times-

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Oh boy we going sad times-


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