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Jungkook's P.O.V

You sighed softly as you were cleaning up the coffee cups and plates from a meeting the king had earlier, you smiled as you watched Byul sitting on the couch eating some candies you and Taehyung had bought him earlier as a reward for passing his math test since he was worried about it.

Jungkook: Byul hun, remember not to leave any candy wrappers laying around okay?

Byul: I know papa

He smiled brightly before putting his focus back onto the iPad he was watching cartoons on, you smiled and continued stacking the plates to make them easier to move to the kitchen when the king approached you. You put them down and bowed to him as he looked at you and then Byul, you could tell he was about to scold you again so you lowered your head biting your bottom lip mentally preparing yourself

King: ...Where do I even begin, first you dared to seduce my son and now you brought a kid here-? Are you insane-

You gasped lightly as Byul walked up to him and gently pulled on his sleeve while looking up at him with doey eyes

Byul: Want candy? Papa and appa got me some for the math test I passed!

The king widened his eyes in slight surprise and you gulped

Jungkook: B-Byul honey...

You watched in slight fear as Byul kept talking to the king and holding onto him, but bit back a smile as he suddenly crouched down and started talking with him as well. You definitely didn't miss the smile the king slowly got on his lips and how his tone gradually changed as he and Byul kept interacting talking about school and you and Taehyung taking care of him and so on.

After awhile Byul smiled as he heard his favorite cartoon starting to play in the background so he excused himself before running back over to watch it, you straightened your back more and lowered your head wiping off the smile as the king stood up and brushed himself off before looking at you

King: As I was saying-...

He paused for a bit as he cleared his throat

King: How olds the kid?

You looked up at him and gulped softly

Jungkook: He's 6 years old your majesty...

He nodded slowly as he looked over at Byul and then back at you

King: I heard some stuff about him, you basically raised him at the orphanage and he's a smart kid huh...

You nodded slowly as you also looked over at Byul smiling softly as he looked so happy

Jungkook: Yeah...- I mean yes sir...

He sighed as he rubbed his temples in slight frustration

King: I'm trying to help Taehyung live a good life as a king here... You're not even a royal blood like us, how could you be by his side to rule a whole kingdom?

You smiled softly as you looked into his eyes gathering up the courage to use your own voice like Taehyung had told you to

Jungkook: I understand... But with that mindset how is anything ever going to change for the better sir? With all due respect, royals don't experience the type of hardships us commoners have. I talked to Taehyung about it and he didn't even know about some of the most common hardships we go through... With change, shouldn't there be a change in mind as well?

The king widened his eyes slightly as he looked at you taken aback by your words a bit

King: You talk as if you know it all, do you think royals aren't capable of handling our own duties?

You smiled softly and shook your head

Jungkook: Of course not sir, I'm just saying there are many things a royal blood doesn't have to experience, like living in a 21st century as someone who didn't happen to be born into a wealthy family and will for the rest of their lives be pushed around and kicked out of their jobs by people with money and power just so the wealthy people can get their own people in.
Or how as a parentless kid you'll live your childhood and early youth fearing whether or not you'll end up homeless once you reach 19 and the system has to kick you out with no further help, just to name a few... But you're right, what would I know since I'm not a royal blood huh?

He raised an eyebrow as he huffed softly while you bowed and grabbed the plates and cups walking off to go put them away into the kitchen


Shorter update but it's still something ❤️❤️❤️

Shorter update but it's still something ❤️❤️❤️

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Also.... Idk if yall noticed but Kim Taehyung... Has wattpad...

*sweats nervously*

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