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I sat in the extra chair in the doctors office as my mom sat in the bed, the fourth opinion we were getting before she would finally agree to receiving the chemo and surgeries she needed in order to survive cancer.


Something that came and completely wrecked our lives during some of the happiest moments we were having.

My dad had divorced my mom a year ago, leaving us to go create a new family with his secretary of his work, but thankfully still paying his child support.

My mom was devastated and heartbroken, I was hurt too, but I couldn't show that, because it would hurt her even more, so I put on my tough girl attitude and I said a big "fuck you" to my dad.

Just three months ago my mother finally got over him and decided to start dating again, but shortly after her second date with a dude, she discovered a lump on her rib, which led up to doctors which got us here, five states away from home.

"I'm nervous" my mom whispered, making me smile to her.

"No reason to be, everything is gonna work out" optimism always seemed to make her feel better.

Soon there was a small knock before a doctor entered, the smallest smile on his face.

"Hi, I'm Doctor Clifford, I'll be your doctor for the remainder of your treatment with us." He immediately introduced himself, shaking my moms hand.

"Jennifer, and this is my daughter, Harper." She smiled, making him turn to me.

"Michael" he spoke his first name, shaking my hand, making me lightly smile to him.

"So I've reviewed all of your scans and bloodwork, all looks normal for a lymphoma patient, but the sooner we get things rolling, the better." He spoke to my mom.

"What's the first step?" My mom asked.

"I would want to try and remove as much of the lump on your ribs as possible before it gets bigger, and once that is over with I'd like to start treating with chemo to try and knock the rest of the cancer cells out of your blood." He told her slowly.

My mom exhaled slowly, looking to me.

I didn't say anything.

"Well, I guess we better get to it." She mumbled.

"Great." Michael smiles.

"I'll scheduled your surgery for tomorrow evening, it should last no longer than an hour and a half and then you'll be in recovery, as simple as that." He spoke swiftly, making her nod.

"Let's get you guys in a room, shall we?"

My mom and Michael walked side by side the whole way to the room.

I could tell from my moms body language and tone of voice, she liked him.

And I did not like that.

I prayed he didn't notice or feel the same way back.

We got into a room, where Michael got my mom to sit on the bed, getting her vitals.

"I'm gonna go get our bags from the car." I spoke quietly to them, seeing my mom nod.

"Be safe" she smiled.

I walked through the hospital, trying my best not to get lost, before finding my way outside and to our car.

I grabbed both of our duffle bags, struggling to balance them both on my shoulders as I shut the trunk.

Halfway through the parking lot I realized, we overpacked.

I dropped the bags, taking a small rest.

"Need some help?"

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