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She drug me from sight to sight all day long, never wanting to get an Uber, wanting to walk everywhere, which was killer, but I did it because she looked so damn excited to be back.

"Wait" I saw her pause, focusing to a guy standing at a coffee cart near a board walk

"What?" I asked.

"That's my best friend!" Her voice loudened before she immediately took off fully sprinting towards this male.

"Drake!" I heard her yell, catching the boys attention right before she ran straight into him, luckily not knocking him down, but making him stumble.

I slowly followed, not exactly knowing if she wanted me close or not.

"I thought you were states away at the hospital, what the hell-" "I came back with Luke because someone broke into my house." She spoke like it was the simplest thing in the world.

"Someone broke into your house-" "yeah but no biggy, nothing we care about was damaged" she shrugged lightly, making his eyes shift to me.

"Hi?" The boy spoke as a question, seeming alarmed as to why I was watching them, making me feel like a total creep.

"Oh- sorry, this is Luke, a doctor at my moms hospital, he's cool. Luke this is Drake, my best friend." She spoke, making us shake hands.

"Nice to meet you." The guy spoke back before returning his attention to Harper.

"So how long are you staying for?" He asked.

"Oh- we have to head back to the hotel to prepare to leave in like an hour probably-" Harper was cut off by a female suddenly coming from the side of the cart, instantly making Harper's mood drop.

"Harper? Is that you?" The girl smiled, grabbing Drake's arm.

"Yeah" Harper spoke slowly, glancing between the arm holding and Drake's eyes, making me very alarmed of the situation.

"You've been out of school forever- you've lost weight, you sure you're keeping up with yourself?" She asked, making me even focus to this girl, immediately noting- she was a mean girl- the typical entitled bitch who lives off of daddies money.

"Yeah I am." Harper laughed shortly.

Then the girls eyes turned to me

"Who's this?" She asked slowly, making Harper look to me, her expression not happy.

"I'm her friend, I came with her to get a tour of her hometown." I spoke, seeing her send me a thankful glance.

"Oh- how are you liking it?" She asked.

"Great- until now actually- it's a little weird over here" I hummed lightly, seeing a smile come onto Harper's face.

"Yeah it is" Harper agreed slowly, confusing the two of them.

"We should probably go, it was nice to see you two though." She smiled to them, stepping back with me.

"Nice to see you Harp, text me and keep me updated with your mom." Drake spoke.

"Prayers for your mom, Harp" the annoying voice of the female spoke.

A nice gesture- but clearly fake.

"Thank you and will do." Harper smiled to them before turning away with me.

"Who's that?" I immediately asked.

"Only the most annoying and spoiled bitch in our school- Drake used to hate her because of how she treated me and now they're buddy buddy apparently." She spoke slowly.

I threw my arm over her shoulder, feeling her arm wrap around my back.

"Let's go to the hotel room to nap before we have to go fly all night."

So we went to the room.

And to say the least, Harper was almost-hyper.

I had never seen her so talkative and wanting to do things

"I'm just- really not tired." She laughed out, laying across my lap as I laid in bed, trying to get some sleep.

"Watch a movie, you'll be able to fall asleep" I suggested

So she grabbed her computer, going to Netflix and putting on a movie, I was asleep in no time.

I woke up to movement and my alarm.

I opened my eyes- watching Harper moving to turn it off

"It's been two hours?" I asked groggily, feeling as if I only slept five minutes.

"Yeah" she smiled- not a hint of tiredness in her face.

"Did you sleep at all?" I asked her.

"No- but I did start a really good new series on Netflix" she mumbled.

"You will regret that as soon as we have to sit and wait on our plane." I mumbled to her, seeing her grin.

"Bet me."

Soon we got an Uber to the airport, successfully making it through security and walking to our gate.

"Tried yet?" I asked her, seeing her smile.

"Never." She mumbled.

We soon sat at a gate, her and I talking back and forth about the people around us and random thoughts.

As we got into the topic of her mother, a flight attendant came to us

"I'm so sorry for the inconvenience but your flight has been delayed due to the incoming plane experiencing problems with a passenger." She spoke slowly.

"We can either get you some care packages to hold you over until we get a new plane or rebook your plane for another day" she spoke.

"How long is the delay?" I asked.

"They're suspecting five hours." She spoke, making my jaw almost drop.

"Let's get a different plane ticket." I spoke, knowing I didn't want to sit in this airport for five hours.

So Harper and I trudged over to her desk where she typed.

"The next available plane that I can get you two on will be Saturday-" "it's Tuesday- what the hell." I spoke quickly.

"It's all we have available." She mumbled, making me glance to Harper, knowing I had to get back to work.

"Give us the care packages."

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