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"I make my patients and their families a priority, I only take on two serious patients at a time because of that, my current other patient is in the process of being discharged, so I'm here if you need to talk."

I didn't want to fucking talk.

I wanted him and his feelings for my mom to leave.

I wanted to go back to the last hospital with the old man as her doctor.

I wanted so badly for this to all just be over.

"I don't need to talk" I mumbled to him.


She needed to talk.

"I don't think that's true-" "Doctor Clifford, a word" Luke spoke, making me glance to him before slowly leaving the room with him.

He immediately shoved me.

"What the fuck was that for?" I asked.

"She's a teenage girl, you don't push her to talk, you wait until she comes to you to talk." He spoke firmly.

"Oh I'm so fucking sorry that I'm not specialized in teenagers- I don't know how to handle these fucking hormones." I whispered to him.

He grabbed my shoulders firmly.

"You talk to her about everything you do to her mother before you do it, you give her a voice and her own opinion, if she says she doesn't want to talk, she doesn't want to talk and you have to accept that." He spoke to me.

"But she needs to talk- she's on the brink of tears" I spoke, making Luke exhale, rolling his eyes.

"Don't make her talk." He spoke firmly, making me nod to him eventually, knowing he was most likely right.

"And lastly" he spoke.

"She's a teenage girl, she knows what flirting is, even if you're being discrete about it, don't flirt with her mom in front of her."

Holy shit


An hour later my mom woke up.

She groaned lightly before opening her eyes, looking to me.

"Morning" I smiled to her.

"Hi" she exhaled.

"Where's Michael?" She spoke immediately after, honestly disappointing me.

"Are you in pain-" "no, no- I just enjoy his company." She smiled lightly.

This always happened.

Mom got a boyfriend and pushes me away.

Part of the reason I hate when she dates people.

"I'll go find him for you" I spoke quietly, standing, seeing her smile.

"Thank you sweetie"

I went to where I remembered Michael's office being, seeing the door open, three guys- one being Luke in the room.

But no Michael.

I knocked on the door frame.

All eyes on me

"Is Doctor Clifford still here?" I asked.

"Yes, just ran to the restroom, so you need something?" Luke asked me.

"Moms awake and is asking for him." I spoke, watching the three men exchange a glance, making me notice that one of them was the man who helped me carry my bag in yesterday.

"I'll tell him as soon as he gets back." He spoke to me, making me nod.

"Thank you."

But I didn't go back to my moms room, I went outside and sat on a bench.

I enjoyed the midday air.

I looked to the surrounding trees, seeing birds flying around.

"Pretty, isn't it?"

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