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I walked into Jennifer'a room with two interns and Luke, who would be here to comfort and support Harper as her mother went through surgery.

I flipped on the lights- seeing Jennifer asleep, no sign of Harper.

"Ms.Jennifer, I'm here to get your vitals and Doctor Clifford is here to prep you for surgery." A nurse spoke suddenly from the door, making me instantly shoot her a questioning look, because there's much calmer ways to wake someone.

Jennifer immediately woke up- as if she had been awake for hours, no grogginess in sight.

"Jennifer, where is Harper?" I asked, seeing her look to the couch- her eyes narrowing once she didn't see Harper.

"She must've woke up early and went on a walk, I have no-" "found her" I heard Luke speak, his eyes glancing to the floor, making me step over, seeing Harper laying on a blanket, her hoodie consuming the top of her body as she almost curled into herself, her head on a pillow.

I forgot to offer her a real bed.

What a shitty doctor I am.

"She must've been uncomfortable on the couch" Jennifer smiled as she looked over the side of the bed.

Luke threw an extra blanket over her, myself planning to move her to an actual bed as soon as I was finished prepping.

I did the work up with my interns, telling Jennifer that Luke would be here to support Harper, which made her visibly more calm.

"Any questions?" I asked after I took her through the surgery verbally, making sure she knew my every step.

"None at all" she responded.

"Okay, well about twenty minutes before the surgery I'll have a nurse prep you and I'll come in to give you a relaxer, but until then you can rest, watch tv, whatever you wanna do, just no eating or drinking." I told her, seeing her nod.

"Do you mind if I move Harper to my office? I have a futon couch, and I think she should get at least two hours of good sleep before you go through the surgery and such" I spoke, knowing Harper was the type of kid to take care of her mom no matter what.

I could tell, she was a good kid.

"Yeah that's fine, shes a really heavy sleeper, so she probably won't even wake up." Her mom smiled, making me turn to her.

"Thank you" her mom spoke as I carefully lifted Harper, her limp body falling into mine.

"No problem" I responded before carrying her out the room.

Her head rested on my shoulder, her blanket over her body as I carried her.

"I'll stay with her in your office so that she doesn't wake up and freak out." Luke spoke, making me nod

"Thank you." I exhaled.

We fixed the futon, laying her down on it, putting the pillow under her head and making sure she was covered.

"Okay" I exhaled, seeing Luke smile.

"What?" I shot to him.

"Nothing" he mumbled lightly.

"No, why are you all smiley" I spoke, hearing him laugh lightly

"A pretty, single mom comes in with a teenage daughter and suddenly you're allowing strangers in your office" he spoke, making me look to him harder.

"She's a kid and she's probably going through a lot of stress, she needs as much sleep as she can get." I told him, seeing him nod lightly, glancing to Harper.

"So this has nothing to do with making a good impression on the mom?"

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