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2 AM.

Harper's head was in my lap, my hoodie overtaking her body as she slept, the lack of her nap getting to her.

I had talked to Michael several times- who was pissed- but just like we couldn't do anything, neither could he.

We still had three hours to wait.

I was miserable.

Around thirty minutes later, a man walked by, not having much space and accidentally kicked Harper's knee, instantly waking her up as I grabbed her knee, rubbing it softly as she whined, not getting an apology or even a glance from the man.

"I wanna go home" she whined out, looking to me, her eyes bloodshot from her deep sleep.

"I know pretty girl, me too" I spoke, tucking some of her hair behind her ear.

"That hurt" she spoke quietly as she scooted her body closer to mine, making me look to her knee, seeing a fairly large shoe print.

"I fucking hate people." I mumbled as she leaned her head onto my shoulder.

"Not all people" she spoke quietly to me.

"What?" I asked.

"It's has to hate people, so you can't hate them all. You can hate the really bad people, but other than that we have to strongly dislike people." She spoke to me.

"I strongly dislike a lot of people in this airport right now." I mumbled

Three hours later, we were finally boarding the plane, getting into our seats and getting comfortable.

"A two hour plane ride and then we will finally be home." I exhaled, feeling her head hit my shoulder.

"Thank you for coming with me." She spoke quietly to me.

"Wouldn't have missed it for the world."

I woke up to someone touching my shoulder gently.

"Sir" I opened my eyes at the unknown voice.

A flight attendant and an empty plane.

"We've arrived-" "oh my god I'm so sorry" I spoke, glancing to the side of me and seeing Harper knocked out cold, body limp.

"I don't know how we slept through the landing" I laughed as I stood, throwing my back pack on and trying to wake Harper quickly.

"It's no problem, take your time"

I knew she wanted to go home as soon as I did, so it was hard to take my time.

I got Harper's eyes open, carefully making her stand as I grabbed her bag, making her guide the way .

She tripped over her feet several times- asking questions that I couldn't understand due to her groggy voice, I just kept telling her to walk straight

We stepped out of the terminal and she immediately sat in a chair.

"No Harper- we're home, we gotta go-" "I'm too sleepy" she spoke, her eyes red.

"Why are you so sleepy? We have maybe thirty feet to walk and then we'll be to Ashton-" "I took Midole for some cramps I thought I was feeling" she spoke groggily, making me groan- knowing that knocks her out.

"Okay- put this on" I spoke, giving her her backpack, knowing she wasn't willing to work with me due to her tiredness.

She put the back on as I moved mine to my hands.

"Piggy back" I spoke, moving in front of her.

After a few stretches she carefully got onto my back, making me hold her legs as she wrapped her arms around my neck, holding my back pack around her arm carefully.

And I walked.

I felt her head laying flat against my back, letting me know that she certainly wasn't faking her tiredness.

I finally got outside, seeing Ashton standing outside his car.

"Five hours later than I expected" he smiled out to me, immediately taking my bag from myself and Harper.

"Someone's tired" he seemed shocked as he looked to Harper.

"She took Midole on the plane, which I would've told her not to do because it makes her drowsy, but I believe I was already asleep by the time she did it" I smiled, watching him open the car door.

"Well- at least she's comfortable with you."

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