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"Why?" I asked him quietly.

"She's a mom. If anything happened to you in that operation or after, she'd blame herself forever." He mumbled to me.

I nodded slowly.

"I could convince her." I told him, knowing that I would be able to.

"Michael told me that you probably could, she doesn't have many options unless she wants to wait on the list and risk complications." Luke mumbled, making me nod slowly.

"And for the needle fear" I watched a smile spread across his face as he reached over, turning the lamp off before I felt him grab my hand.

"I will sit beside the operation table and hold your hand, hold you, hug you- anything that you need to assure you that you're okay and that it's only temporary pain." He spoke, pulling me into a hug, which was shocking.

I hadn't been hugged by a man in months- so I immediately tensed up- not exactly knowing how to react.

"Relax" he spoke quietly.

"I know you don't have the best memories or experiences with men, but I'm not here to hurt you. None of us are."

I woke up in Luke's arms.

Why couldn't the universe bless me with a dad that actually loved me?

I pulled the sheets up, feeling cold, which immediately woke him.

He groaned lightly, assisting me in pulling the sheets up.

"You move so much in your sleep" he groaned lightly, making me smile.

"I don't even know how I fell asleep here" I laughed lightly.

"I was talking to you about how much Michael adores you and your mom and next thing I know, you're knocked out cold in my arms." He laughed, sitting up to look back to me.

I rubbed my eyes, feeling him stretch before he stood.

"Come on- lets go do stuff" he spoke excitedly.

"Like?" I asked.

"I dunno, I'm not from here- you are, therefore you're the designated tour guide." He smiled, going into the bathroom.

"Great." I smiled back to him.

I changed into mom style shorts and a plain white t shirt with checkered vans, braiding my hair quickly as he showered.

I brushed my teeth and put on a little make up as he came out of the bathroom, drying his hair with a towel.

"Where we goin?" He asked with a grin.

"Well, Everything cool is actually in walking distance." I mumbled to him, seeing his eyebrows raise.

"So let me surprise you."

So we started our adventure.

I took him to a nice park downtown, to a small beach that teenagers hang out at, showed him my school and where I play tennis and volleyball.

We ended up getting food downtown before the police department was calling Luke.

"Hello" he spoke.

"Yes, this is him" he spoke, glancing to me as I sipped lemonade.

I suddenly saw his jaw clench.

"Yeah- I mean, I didn't expect him to flat out come out and admit whether or not he stole things." Luke spoke, his attitude coming into play.

"Sure, just let me know if the their just comes out of no where and confesses." Luke spoke before hanging up.

"I'm assuming my dad said that he didn't do it." I mumbled.

"Yep" Luke spoke slowly.

"And they said they searched the living room, no sign of anything that was reported missing." He mumbled.

"I'm sure he has over rooms in his house besides the living room that he could hide things in, but I guess that why I'm not a fucking police officer- because I would do my fucking job well-" "it's okay, Luke" I spoke, trying to calm him.

"Those things are valueless to us" I mumbled.

"I know" he exhaled, rubbing his face.

"I just really hate bad people."

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