Dad Finds Me

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"Katherine!!" I heard someone call

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"Katherine!!" I heard someone call. I turned to see, it's a man, and none other than my father, John Winchester. Currently, I was in Central Park, walking through it to get some coffee. I lived in New York now, ever since my mom passed just a few months ago.

"Dad?" I said, totally surprised. What could he possibly be doing here? My father never really visits unless it's my birthday or holiday, sometimes he just sends a card. Besides that, I haven't lived in New York long, and had yet to tell him.

"Listen carefully, okay?" he said, I nodded in response, my face becoming stone cold with seriousness. "Take this number, the car keys, everything that is in the car over there, and take it, you got it?" He shoved wad of cash into my hand, and I clutched it tightly. He was pointing behind me to some Chevy that was rather beaten up.

"Okay but, why?" I asked. I was confused, and could tell something was wrong. My dad showed up in my life when I was little, and he told me he was a Hunter, but not just any kind. As in the Hunter that hunts monsters- real monsters. So I didn't exactly have the privilege of having a normal childhood. I was moved all over the country with my mother, who was also a Hunter, never hitting a town twice, seeing my father on rare occasions, and never having any real friends as a kid. Only just recently did I decide to settle in the only place I've wanted to live in all my life. After the death of my mother.... It's been so hard without her.

"Something is starting Hope, and I need you to stay safe. Which is why I'm sending you somewhere. You have brothers- two of them Sam and Dean, this is them." He handed me a picture of one guy who's green eyes reflected in the sunlight behind him, his short hair cropped upwards, looking like he was in deep thought. Probably surprised by getting his picture taken. I looked on the back to see it said 'Dean' in my dad's handwriting. John handed me another picture, the guy in this picture looked a few years older than my age, his dark long hair almost falling in his green eyes, his smile was bright and relaxed. I looked on the back already knowing this was 'Sam'. I smiled at the same eye color that we all shared, but I was shocked.

How did I not know? Two human beings, that share some of the same DNA as me, and I didn't know about them.

How did I not know? Two human beings, that share some of the same DNA as me, and I didn't know about them

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"I'm sorry I never told you about them

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"I'm sorry I never told you about them. But you need to go to them. Now- Katherine don't trust anyone, only those two boys, got it?" I nodded and got in the car. "Go!" he yelled, and ran off, disappearing.

I started the junk car and set off down the road. I couldn't believe what just happened. What exactly just happened? I focused on the road and until I found a rest stop with a pay phone. I didn't want to use mine in case.. my dad had taught me that it was never safe to use a personal cell phone. Especially, because I have no idea who or what I'm up against.

I reached a gas station, surprised to actually find a pay phone on the side of the building.
I grabbed some spare change, and dialed the number my dad gave me. It rang 3 times until someone answered. "Hello?"

The voice carried through the phone, his voice was soft and kind.

"Is this Sam or Dean Winchester?" I asked.

"This is Sam." I heard. I sighed in relief, glad I dialed the right number for once. There were often times when I would accidentally call the wrong number.

"You have to help me please!" I said really fast, I was panicking. There had to be something really wrong for my dad to send me off like that.

"Who's this? Are you okay?" he questioned me. I groaned, frustrated. I needed help now, and I wasn't one for being patient. I rolled my eyes wanting nothing more than to be in bed. I could hear distant talking, and I strained my ears to hear what they were saying.

"Dean.. There's some girl on the phone."

"A girl, huh?"

"Not one of those! She knows our names. She said she needs our help." It was dead silent before the different voice which wasn't Sam's carried through.

"Okay, what's wrong, kid?" The new voice interrogated, one that I was guessing was Dean's.

"My-my dad. He told me there was something starting- something wrong. He wouldn't tell me- but-but I-" I stuttered, fear shaking my bones. I wasn't one to get scared easily, but when my dad is worried- i'm terrified. I didn't know what was happening. I wished nothing more than for my mum to be here... but she's not.

"Well who's your dad sweetheart?" Sam's voice asked soothingly.

"John Winchester?" I said, rather hesitantly.

It was a long, shocking silence for a moment. "How do we know you're not lying?"

"You don't." I replied back. "But Dad never told me about you guys- until 1/2 an hour ago. I'm in Los Angeles and in the middle of no where. Look- I'm as scared as hell and I need your help. Please help. Oh- by the way my name is, Katherine... My dad's the only thing I have left in this world now, and he told me to find you two, so please, help me." I said, beefing them.
I now sat in the Diner for what seemed like hours. If they don't show up, I don't know what I'll do, Dad wasn't very explanatory about what to do if they don't find me. I pulled my legs up to my chest, and pulled out the pictures Dad gave me. Someone tapped my shoulder, I looked up to see two guys, Sam and Dean. I let out a sigh of relief. I didn't actually think they would show up.

"Katherine?" the taller boy said, that I knew was Sam. I then noticed we have the same color of hair, and chin. I looked to Dean we have the same noses, but mine was smaller. We all had the same green eyes.

"Y-Yes." I replied, stuttering. I looked down at my hands which were shaking.

"How old are you?" Dean asked, observing me with curiosity.

"18." I said nervously. I never imagined meeting these two and having brothers. It seems unreal to me.

"You're just two years younger than Sam.." Dean said, looking to Sam, who frowned. I blushed, frowning, feeling bad.

Two years after whatever happened with their mom and dad. John moved on and had me. Talk about awkward.

Sam looked at me. "Hey," he noticed my blush. "It's alright. It's not your fault. How much did you see Dad, anyway?"

"Um.. on my birthday. Very rarely on Christmas. But he would send cards." I shrugged, knowing that now it wasn't because he was always hunting, but because he was with the boys.

"Alright. Let's get this show on the road." Dean said, his hands clapping together.

Sam grabbed me by my sleeve and dragged me to Dean's car, or Dad's old car I guess. I got into the back, only to lean up against the back of the seats, looking to who are now my two brothers.

This is gonna go well... I hope.

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