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I put my thumb up in the air as the car passed by, it came to a stop, and inside was a girl- around my age
It had been a day and a half since I had talked to the boys. I'll probably talk to Sam later.
"Need a ride?" She asked, rolling down the passenger window. I sniffed wiping tears away, and nodded. I opened the door, putting my bag in my lap, and closing the door behind me, country music played softly on the radio. I put my seatbelt on and she then drove off and we sat in silence. I felt my phone go off in my back pocket, and I reached back and grab it. "Sorry." I said to the girl. I looked at the caller ID to see it was Bobby.
"Hi, Bobby." I said.
"Katie. I don't hear that damn engine where are you?" Bobby asked.
"Right now I'm on some inerstate, and was hitchhiking. Going to a local bus station, I was gonna go visit you and Lyssa." I explained.
"Is this a man or woman's car you're in?"
"Woman's, Bobby."
"Why were you hitchhiking in the first place?!" Bobby suddenly remembered. I chucked.
"'Cause Dean decided to leave me. That's why." I said, angry. "What about Sam?" He asked. "Sam decided to be defiant and go find Dad." I told him. I heard a grunt.
"So those boys just left you in the middle of fucking no where?! Idjits..." I giggled.
"See you soon, Bobby." I said.
"Bye Katie." He said and hung up.
I looked down at my phone, about to click on Sam's name to check up in him, but looked to the girl first. "Sorry, that was my Uncle Bobby. He was worried-" I was cut off by a loud gasp from the girl and the car made a sudden swerve off the road. I screamed, the seat belt pulling closer to my body, the car skidded to its side, and flipped over and over, gravity trying to pull me down. I felt glass cut my face, and arms. A hot iron pain shoot on my thigh. I scream as loud as possible when the car came to a stop. In my thigh was a piece of glass from the rear view mirror. Suddenly, and painfully, I felt like my head was being beaten with a bat repeatedly.
My eyes began to slowly close, as I hear a voice through my phone, and headlights coming down the road.
I woke up to an annoying ass beep noise. Shit. Don't tell me... I opened my eyes to surly see I was in the hospital. Fuck.
Great. Just great. "Katherine?" I hear. I look over to see- Alyssa? I smiled. "Hey!" I croaked out.
She hugged me tightly, her makeup was ruined. She had been crying. "How long was I out, Lyssa?" I asked.
"A week. Sam and Dean are here. Dean got in an accident after a hunt." I groaned. Crap. Now we have two injured Winchesters.
"Well, how bad is he?" I asked, fearing the answer. "He only has a month to live." She told me. I automatically got up, got dressed ( ), and went to look for Dean's room.
I felt an arm grab me, and pull me into another room. I looked to see it was Alyssa, and she had pulled me into my brother's room. The door closed behind her, as she left. 'Thanks a lot Lyssa.' I thought, sarcastically.
"Hey guys." I said. Both the boys turned to me. "What? No hug? No, 'Hi, Kathy'?" I asked.
Silence. Okay then...

a/n: I AM SO SORRY! Ik I left u guys on a cliffy last chapter, and I am so sorry for that. So, after this episode, it's going to be, 'The Benders'.
P.s. Ik this chapter is really short, so, sorry about that.

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