Freedom! Here I come.

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I played around with my fork as the plate of lasagna in front of me sat untouched.

I thought carefully about yesterday evening.

When I finally met prince Authur, my fiance.

I realised that Sophia was completely right. How could I get engaged to someone I  didn't even know.

He didn't even seem interested in the engagement.

We only ended up making small talks like.

"You look beautiful".


And that was it. The last thing he said to me was

" Excuse me, I want to check  out the lovely smelling cookies"

And he walked off.

But get engaged they said and get engaged we did.

I didn't do any thing more than play with Eros, fiona, Sophia and the  twins.

Sophia was right. I am becoming a sore royal.

I looked at the breakfast  table.

Mom was sitted at the head of the family seat.

Eros sat on the other side of the table  in front of me.

Right next to him was fiona. And beside her were the twins.

On my side of the table. Aunt matilda sat on the first chair with Sophia sitting next to her and me.

Uncle Charles was out so he wasn't on the table.

"Mom I'd like to say something." I called gaining everyone's attention.

"You know we are not supposed to talk on the table, dear. "

"I know, but it's important." I said.

Everybody looked towards me.

Mom dropped her fork in irritation.

"What is so important that you can't wait until after we are done eating to say?"

I could literally feel the scowl in her voice.

"I was thinking and  it's been bothering me  for a while now. And I finally decided that I want to move in with Sophia in the states." I announced and everyone stared shocked.

Eros was the first to recover as he gave me a small smile.

"I mean if that's okay with her." I said turning to her.

"Of course that's okay with me, you are welcome anytime Ali, I mean why would you even ask that.?" Sophia grinned.

I smiled at her reply.

"Alicia, what makes you think you can make that decision with your wedding just round the corner?." Mom said frowning.

"Mom, my wedding is in three months, it would be good for me to experience a bit of the outside world before I get married and besides Authur'so family also suggested this of me." I explained.

"No Alicia, I cannot allow such. What would everyone think of me? How could I let my engaged daughter out when sheshe going to get married soon?". She said panicking.

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