Oh no!

62 9 4

6 years later.


Ugh! I mentally groaned.

Walking alongside my personal bodyguard  into some restaurant along side the road.

I can't believe he rejected yet another lady.

At this rate, he's never gonna get  married.

He thinks hes not gonna grow old just because he still looks well  now.

If he wasn't my son, I would thrown him onto the middle of a busy road.

I had to stop the car in order to get something to eat.

Because as they said.

An angry old man is a hungry old man.

.........or was it the other way around.

I entered the restaurant and found myself a seat while James went off to order us some food.

I blew air out of my mouth.

This was really getting very frustrating.

Looking around, I spotted a waitress.

I wanted  to call onto her considering  James was taking way too long.

I decided against it.

When a male occupant held onto  her hand and she pulled back.

And they started to mutter something.

And  unlike other waitresses who all do and agree with whatever  customers say.

She spoke back. She actually spoke back.

Spunk. That could  actually be able to deal with an arrogant  somebody.

An arrogant  somebody. Hmm.

I got up, walking towards the scene ,wanting to see more.

Leaning on the counter, I listened in on the conversation.

Some woman whom I propose to be the boss around here walking towards it too.

"I'm sorry for the commotion caused here." She said to the two guys  that looked like they did drugs.

"We want her to apologise." They spat at the young woman.

"Apologise now." The woman ordered.

"No, I'm sorry. But I just can't apologise."she said.

"What do you mean?" The woman spat again.

"I mean, I was insulted, they should be apologising."  She grimaced.

Stands up for rights. Good.

"Just do as I say." She growled.

"No. I'm sorry but I cant." She stated clearly.

"Looks like you don't teach your employees properly." One of the men snickered.

"Looks like your parents didn't teach you at all. If I were your mother. I would hit you upside  everytime." She scrowled  showing her fist.

She's going to do well as a great mother.

"I have had enough of your behaviour. You are fired." The other woman stated.

"Yeah, like I care." She muttered loudly.

Grabbing her bag, she headed out towards the door passing by me.

Xandros, this is your chance to play matchmaker.

Well ........again.

"Um hi." I called.

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