How is partying like a ball?!!!

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"Oh come on guys, a little smile before aunt leaves." I said to the downfaced twins at the airport.

But they just looked at each other, blinked and turn back to me.

The tears were already surfacing.

I pulled them into a hug.

"Don't cry, you're gonna make me cry." I said , my voice raspy.

I broke the hug and looked at their teary eyes.

"We'll miss you."

"I'll miss you more." And this made them smile.

They got out a silver bracelet with little people, stars and hearts.

"Wear this whenever you miss us the most." They handed it over.

"See there's kyra, kiara and aunt." Kyra said pointing at the little people.

Kyra was more open, you know, the twin that talked more.

Kiara was more emotional.

I ruffled their hair and they smiled.

"Come on girls, it's papa's turn." Eros called.

I got up from my kneeling position looking up at Eros.

"Do great things, and make me proud." He said smiling.

"Will do." I answered back.

I walked up to fiona and cursed but before I finished she pulled me into a hug.

That's new.

"I thought I said we had gone past that." She said from the hug.

She broke it off and smiled.

I smiled back.

Finally mom.

I stepped in front of her waiting for a word to be said.

But all that was said was.

"Don't do anything that I wouldn't do. Do not ruin our honour." She said.

"Yes mom." I said in monotone.

I turned to leave.

"Wait." She called.

I turned back with hope in my eyes.

"Curtsy before you leave."

I rolled my eyes internally but cursed anyways.

I turned around and sighed.

I grabbed my suitcase from Eros and walked up to Sophia.

"Are you sure about this Ali?" Sophie asked.

"I'm already here. Aren't I ?" I said.

"Let's do this." She showed me her fist.

"What's that." I asked confused.

"Fistbump...... have you never..... are you serio........... you know what. High five would do" she fumbled with her words in utter suprise.

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