15. Yes, It Is

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"What do we do NOW?" asked Barrel.

"Will you stop asking that?" asked Lock.

"You made me," Barrel shot back.

"I dare both of you to stop talking for three minutes straight," said Shock.

"Fine," said Lock.

"Whatever," said Barrel.

"You both lose," said Shock.

"GUYS!" said Emily. "Don't bicker. Please. It's hard to concentrate."

"You have a plan?" asked Veronica.

Emily nodded. "We sneak into the HBTH and take some things we might need and then go down into the basement and beat the H-E-double hockey stick out of the bad guys!"

Lock, Shock, and Barrel looked at each other and nodded.

"That," said Lock.

"Is," said Shock.

"Brilliant," said Barrel.

Emily smiled triumphantly.

"Let's go," said Veronica. "Before all the holidays are affected."


Jack, Sally, and the others were still puzzling on how to get back to Halloween Town. There were multiple suggestions, none of which were very helpful or really contributed to the conversation whatsoever.

"I'm just saying," said a vampire. "If they wanted to destroy him, they would have done it before the eighth movie." 

"It was a nice climax," said a zombie.

Sally sighed. Jack was out asking around if there was any way to get back to Halloween Town except through the main door. He came up the hill, sprinting and out of breath.

"I found someone!" he said. The party jumped up and Sally rushed up to him.

"Who?" she asked.

"Mrs. Claus!" said Jack. "And get this! The Boogie Boys were here too!"

The group cheered. Sally felt overjoyed knowing the three were safe back in Halloween Town. "What do we do?"

"The same like in Halloween Town," said Jack. "Go north from the main sign."

"It's getting late," said Sally. "We should probably wait until morning."

Jack nodded. "Mrs. Claus said we could stay with her."

Sally looked at the other five. "Does she know how many we have?"

Jack nodded.

"Let's go," said Sally. "The sooner we find them, the better."


"I don't like this plan," said Lock.

"Wrecking ball," said Shock, tossing a ball and chain to Lock or Barrel and rummaging around for more weapons in their weapons stock. The metal sphere landed on the floor with a clang.

"Stop throwing loud things, they'll hear you!" said Barrel, quickly picking it up.

Shock ignored him and tossed a rat trap behind her. "Mouse catchy thingy."

"Rat trap," Barrel corrected. "What good will this do?"

"I'm just saying," said Lock. "It seems risky. We almost died in Halloween Town because of taking them into our house. I don't want Jack to actually kill us because we handed his daughter over to the Oogie Boogie."

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