19. Bug Guts

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*This chapter is EXTREMELY long. For my stories that is. The next ones will be normal length, but this is just longer*

Lock, Shock, and Barrel regained consciousness and noticed they had been thrown into an unlocked closet with the door creaked open.

"Oh my head hurts," said Barrel.

"Mine is spinning," said Lock.

Shock peeked out of the door and examined the scene. Emily and Veronica were missing and so were the twins. Why they had left them in an unguarded closet was a mystery to Shock, but she didn't have time to solve it. "We need to get out of here and find Emily and Veronica."

"Do you think they went after the Oogie Boogie?" asked Barrel.

"Probably," said Lock. "They are reckless."

"They learn from the best," said Shock. 

"What do we do?" asked Lock. 

"We need to find Emily and Veronica," said Shock.

"But if the twins see us we're dead meat," said Barrel.

"What are we gonna do? Make ourselves invisible?" said Lock sarcastically.

Shock gave him a look. Barrel gasped. "That's brilliant!"

"It is," said Shock.

"It is?" said Lock.

"Yes!" said Barrel. "We take out the twin's vision and they won't see us coming!"

"How do we do that?" asked Shock.

"With this!" said Barrel excitedly, holding up a can. Lock took it from him and tried to read the label in the dim light.

"'Bug spray'," he said. "'Used to get rid of any pests'. So we spray some in the air and they leave?"

"Read the warning," said Barrel. He was bouncing in his seat.

"Calm down jitterbug," said Shock. "You're acting like you had five cups of coffee."

"'WARNING'," said Lock. "'Do not spray in eyes or mouth. Can cause temporary blindness and taste disorder'."

"Taste disorder?" said Shock, puzzled.

"That's a thing?" said Lock.

"Whatever," said Barrel. "We're just gonna temporarily take away their vision. Problem solved."

"How are we going to get them over here if they're not in the same room as us?" asked Lock.

"Make a lot of noise!" said Shock. "Watch." She grabbed a small broom thing and banged it against the wall. "SEE!" she yelled over the noise. "IT'S LOUD!"


"WHO'S MAKING THAT NOISE!?" yelled a voice, probably Molly's. It sounded feminine. "Jacob! Come here, we gotta put them unconscious again."

"Get ready," said Barrel. "When the open the door, spray like there's no tomorrow."

"Aim for their eyes," said Shock. "We don't want them getting taste disorder."

"I know what to do," snapped Lock. "Now shut up and let me focus."

The door to the closet opened and Molly and Jacob stood there angrily glaring at the three Boogie Boys. Lock sat, ready to spray. Before the two could say a word, there was a thud and they fell to the floor unconscious.

"What the-" said Shock.

"See," said a voice. "I told you they'd be in here."

"I never said they wouldn't," said another.

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