Fun Facts About 'Lock, Shock, and Barrel'

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1. It took me three attempts to write the scene in the second chapter with the alarm clock. Finally I settled on what I published.

2. I had the idea for this story a while back, but in a different context. Emily was the same age as the three Boogie Boys and there was this evil spirit that took over Lock. The four set out on a quest to find a certain prized possession of each leader of the Holidays to create an ultimate wand to overthrow the evil power. Similar characters inspired ones in this book as well. You was taken from a girl the four met in Valentines Town and befriended. I think her name was Miranda or something, I can't remember.

3. When I started writing this book, the twins weren't going to be in it, but I added them in because I needed a source for the Oogie Boogie and what's not a better source then two random characters, am I right?

4.  The names of the people in Valentine's Town came from me and my cousins little game we called 'The That Family'. We each took pronouns and made them names, hence You.

5.  The name of the guy who delivers food to the Boogie Boys is the name of a crazy friend of mine from school.

6. The last chapter title was taken from a line Jack has in the 1993 movie. He says, when the three are looking for their assignments, "Ah! If it isn't Halloween Town's finest trick-or-treaters!"

I want to thank everybody who read this story. Thank you for supporting me and helping this not just be one of the stories you just cast aside and read for later. I really am grateful. Check out some more of my books, especially Shadows Into Light! it's the first original story I have ever written and I'm really excited to share it with the world.

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