Turf Wars Pt. 4

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Both movies served to be entertaining enough to keep Red awake. Terra was on the edge of her seat through out the entire sci-fi horror while Jinx was burined in Red's arm most the time. Likewise, Jinx was fully invested in the fantasy while Terra ended up falling asleep on Red's shoulder during one of the slower parts. Red decided that he would call it a day after the two movies, mostly due to the need to go outside and move some.

Croc had given him a call and told him about a nightclub he wanted to check out which Red agreed to. Jinx and Terra also decided to go as well since it was a place where people like Croc and Jinx were welcomed. Red was glad there was some place they could go without judgemental stares. The trio head exited the movies only to find that the sun had gone down.

Red: You know where the Club is?

Jinx: Yep. Just follow me.

Red: I get my own cute guide?

Jinx rolled her eyes and began to lead the way while Red held Terra's hand.

Terra: So, I'm still a bit confused. Why did those guys go on the adventure in the first place?

Jinx: Maybe if you stayed awake you would've known.

Red: Yeah. There's still a stain from your drooling on my shoulder.

Terra went full red due to embarrassment. Red laughed at her expense before pulling her closer to him.

Red: You're too cute. Both of you.

Jinx hummed in agreement. It didn't take too long before they found the place Croc told them about. Jinx pulled off her bow and allowed her original appearance to return. Terra smiled at the sight while Red felt grateful that someone so beautiful can like someone like him.

The three entered the club, after a very heated stare off with the bouncer, and immediately spotted Croc in the corner drinking. As they got closer, Red realized that Dex was with him. The cat greeted them with a loud meow before hopping onto the table to make room for the three to sit down.

Red: I see you started the party without us.

Croc: Didn't want to interrupt the date. How'd it go?

Terra: He didn't leave us to rob a bank.

Croc looked visibly confused but didn't question it. Red ordered drinks and the group fell into idle chit chat.

Jinx: See now, I just don't get why the Titans are suddenly all over us. We weren't important before.

Terra: We weren't fighting with the Flush gang before either. Maybe that has something to do about it?

Jinx: That does make sense.

Croc: Maybe we're finally moving on up in the world.

Red had to smile at the comment. Jinx had told him that she and Croc had started the Family 4 years ago. Jinx was a runaway when Croc found her and took her in. They were finally out there like she had wanted. Red couldn't help but feel proud.

Soon enough they had their drinks and began the night that was sure to bring blank memories in the morning. It didn't matter to them. Tonight was the night they could let loose. At least they thought.

The front door was blown down causing all of the occupants to stand in surprise. In stepped none other than Bumblebee, Jericho, and another girl Red didn't recognize. A crossbow? Really?

Actually, she looked familiar. Really familiar. Red suddenly found himself touching his chest. Why did it suddenly hurt? Why did he suddenly feel guilty?

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