Chapter 1: Do You Want to Build a Snowman?

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Chapter 1: Do You Want to Build a Snowman?


          “Princess Elsa, it’s time to get up and ready miss.” I hear down stairs as I open my eyes. I yawn and stench before I sit myself up. “Thank you Gerda, I’ll be down soon.” I yell back as I sit in bed for a while. I turn and looked at my balcony; white snow slowly lands on it and covers it. I smile to myself as I hear the door open and hear someone run to me. “Elsa! It’s snowing!” I hear before someone jumps on me and knocks me off my bed. “Anna!” I laugh as we both lay on the ground laughing.

          “I am so sorry; I was just so excited to see snow! We haven’t seen it for so long!” Anna says and stands up just to spin around. She’s already dressed and ready to go play in the snow. This is the first time in a long time that she’s been up before me, but she’s only up before if it’s snowing. “I know silly, and we’ll go outside but can I please change?” I ask giving her my puppy dog look. She rolls her eyes, “Yes. But hurry! I want to build a snowman!” She sings before she leaves my room. I giggle to myself as I look back out the window.

          I slowly walk over to it and put my hand to the cold glass, every time I see snow, I think of the boy with the snow white hair and light blue eyes. After seeing him twelve years ago, I can’t stop thinking about him, I don’t know why. I haven’t seen him since. “Elsa! You better be getter ready up there!” I hear downstairs. “Almost ready Anna!” I yell even though it was a lie. I quickly put on a long sleeve shirt and my blue coat on with my black pants and blue boots.

          I start to look for my hat and gloves and can’t find them anywhere. “Where are they…?” I thought then I heard a bark. I slowly turn to see our little white husky puppy in the attack position with my gloves and hat in his mouth. “Olaf… Give mommy her gloves and hat.” I say slowly and start to walk to him; his tail starts to wag faster the closer I get to him. Finally I jump but his too fast for me and take off running. I land on the floor to see my hat. Damn dog still has my gloves! “Olaf! Get back here now!” I yell and chase after him.

          I see Olaf run out of the run and down the stairs; I follow to see Anna down the stairs looking at Olaf. “Anna! Stop Olaf, he has my gloves!” I yell as I see her try and grab him but he dodges her and keeps running. “What is going on?” Anna asks as she follows me chasing our dog. “Olaf took my gloves! We have to get him.” I say and run faster as he starts to go into our father’s office. “Oh boy… This is going to be bad.” Anna says as we stop by his door. I take a deep breath and walk in only to see my father holding Olaf and my gloves.

          My father is giving me and Anna a sour look while Olaf is just panting and waging his tail more. “Elsa, Anna, what is this about?” He asks as he hands Olaf to Anna and gives me my gloves. “Anna and I were going to go play in the snow and Olaf took my gloves.” He gives me a look, “The soon to be Queen of our kingdom should not behave.” He says with a strict voice. I lower my head, “I know father, I’m sorry.” “Oh Agdar, stop being so harsh on the girls.” I hear and make my head pop up.

          I turn to see my mother by the door. Her long brown hair hanging over her shoulders as she walks over to my father. I hear my father sigh, “Idun….” He growls as she places her hand on his shoulder, “Elsa is eighteen today, let her be the goofy girl we raised her to be.” She says and gives him her look. This look is the takes my father she won, it was over. I know my father is trying to fight back but finally he sighs and looks at me and Anna. “You’re right as always Idun, girls I’m sorry. Go have fun but be ready for the party tonight.”

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