Chapter 2: Masquerade

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Chapter 2: Masquerade


          I watch as everyone starts to walk into our castle for my birthday party. I can’t help but not feel excited for it, after tonight, I was going to be most likely engaged to someone I don’t know. I sigh, I always believed someone would fall in love with me for me, not for my kingdom but I have this feeling this person I shall wed to will only want to so he can be King. “Elsa dear? Where are you?” I hear my mother call me.

          “On the balcony mother.” I call and I turn to see her walk through my door. “Are you excited love?” My mother asks as she gives me a hug. “Of course, it’ll be nice to be with some friends.” I say and put a fake smile on my face. To tell the truth, I would much rather be here, in my room, painting or playing the piano. But I can’t tell my family that, it’ll break their hearts. “Elsa, we have to talk.” My mother says and pulls me into my room and we sit on my bed. “What is it?” I ask even though I think I know what it is.

          “Elsa, you’re eighteen today, and well, it’s time for me and your father to found a suitor for you.” I nod, “I know.” I hear my mother sigh, she doesn’t like this either but we both know it has to happen; “There isn’t many Princes’ out there that aren’t already engaged. And well, your father found someone that he thinks will be good for you.” I raise my eyebrow, “And who’s the lucky guy?”

          “Prince Sebastian of the Northern Isles.” I feel my eyes widen, I heard about him, his cousin from the Sothern Isles tried to kill his older brothers so he could be King. I don’t want to be part of that nut job family! “You’ve got to be kidding me mother, his family seems crazy.” I say as I get off my bed and start to pace back and forth, “Honey, the only other Prince is of the Kingdom of Dream and we both know how your father feels about that Kingdom.” My mother says trying to calm me down.

          I look at her and sigh as I slowly sit at my vanity and look at myself in the mirror. Slowly coming up behind me is my mother as she grabs my brush and starts to brush my hair, “My love, this is the way the world works, I don’t like it as much as you do but it has to happen.” “Does it have to run like this? You and father are still here, do I need to be engaged and to someone who only wants me for the kingdom?” She puts the brush down and wraps her arm around my neck, “Do you know what I see when I look in the mirror?” I shake my head as I hear her giggle, “I see a strong, beautiful woman who can do anything.” “Is there any way out of this?” I ask. She puts a smile on her face as she kisses the top of my head, “You’re a smart young lady, you’ll figure it out.” I smile as she walks away, “Now, get ready for your party, I’ll see you soon.” She says and closes my door.

          I sit at my vanity for a few more moments before I decide that I should get up and start to get ready.

~Five minutes later~

          I slowly walk to my full length mirror and look at myself. When I got out of the shower I found a box on my bed and inside it was a beautiful blue dress. It was long with a long split on the side that goes up to my hip. The top looks like little snowflakes shining on it, before for this time of year. I even like the see through long sleeves on it even though I’m not a big fan of long sleeves.

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