Chapter 37

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Mayas POV

We both turned our heads to see where the voice was coming from. There I saw a tall and slim woman. She looked like she had just arrived. I didn't remember to have seen her at the wedding though so I couldn't quite figure out who she was. But apparently James knew her. I shifted my eyes from her to James. The way he looked at her made me feel odd. The woman smiled very charmingly at him. She had beautiful hair, her locks were almost golden, and her slim figure was breathtaking. She was definitely much taller than me and the way she carried herself was very ladylike.

'Anna... W-What are you doing here?'

I saw him swallow a lump in his throat. He seemed puzzled. My smile faded away suddenly and I could feel that I was beginning to get insecure. Did they have a history together?

'It's so good to see you again. How long has it been? Five years?'

She giggled and I saw how my boyfriend stood up from his chair and walked towards this Anna. They hugged each other and I just sat there ogling at their proximity. I realized what I had said to James when we got interrupted. I wanted to have a family with him. I just confessed to him that I wanted all those intimate things with him. And here I stood, totally left out and out of place.

Anna was having her hands around his waist and she smiled at him. On the other hand, James somehow still was surprised and it took some time before he collected himself and came back to reality.

'Y-yeah. I think it's been five years or so. But I thought you left for good? What brings you back to New York?'

'Oh, I got tired of my life in Europe. I wanted to come back and see how things were going here. And when I got the news from Connor, I couldn't do anything else than get my butt back to New York'

'So... Are you back for good then?' I couldn't fathom it. Did he sound hopeful? Yes, he actually asked that question as if he hoped she would stay.

Who is she?

I silently tried to walk past them so I could leave them alone. After all, it didn't seem that James had remembered that I was in the kitchen too. But as I almost got past them Anna asked me a question.

'I'm sorry to have interrupted your conversation. I'm Anna. How do you know the couple?'

I stared at her and didn't say anything for three whole seconds. Then I gathered myself and told her that I was friends with Rose.

I saw James putting his hands in his pockets. He didn't utter a single word about who I was to him. Until she asked about it.

'Um, are you guys...?' she pointed her finger at us back and forth. She sounded genuine and kind. She didn't give the attitude of a bitch in any way. That would have been so much easier!

I saw how James looked perplexed and didn't give Anna a quick answer. I took that as my cue to say something.

'We are just really good friends. He was the best man at the wedding, and I was the Maid of Honor. So, we know each other from the wedding. That's all' I gave her a vague smile and then excused myself and walked back to the other guests.

I could see from the corner of my eye that he was surprised to hear me say that. Well, I just did what he was about to do anyway. Of course, they had something together in the past and it somehow looked like James wasn't over it after seeing her.

I felt like I had dreamed about something that really wasn't going to happen anyway. How was I even stupid enough to think that we would go that far to become a family and someday have kids together. We never talked about it and he only told me he loved me. I guess if Anna had been around, I would never have had a chance anyway. When I walked back into the other guests I saw how Connor walked over to me. He seemed like he panicked but he tried to hide it.

'Um, Maya have you seen James...? It's just that I didn't know a particular person would come today and I just wanted to let him know'

'You mean Anna? They have met already. They are in the kitchen together' I shrugged my shoulders as if it didn't bother me in any way.

'Oh... Maya are you okay?'

'Yeah. Don't worry. I'm fine!' I patted his arm to assure him.

'Maybe it would be a good idea to tell you who she is before you...'

I stopped him. I didn't want to hear anything further. I just wanted to go home. This was an exhausting day.

'Connor, I just want to ask you if it's okay that I head back home. I'm fine! I just have a headache and it's been a long day...'

'Sure, no problem. I'll just inform Rose about it'

'Thanks, I'll call her later. Tell her that please'

As I got my shoes and jacket on, I walked out of the door. James hadn't tried to follow me when I left the kitchen. I took that as a sign that I was already forgotten. I walked over to the nearest bus stop and waited for the bus to come. It was starting to rain a little bit. I didn't have an umbrella with me, and I didn't want to bother James to drive me home either. 

It seemed like Anna and he needed to catch up on a lot. When the bus arrived, I showed my bus ticket and sat at the back of the bus. My phone started to ring, and I could see on the caller ID that it wasJames. I turned my phone off and looked out of the window. I noticed how the raindrops hit the glass. 

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