Chapter 39

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Mayas POV

The next few weeks were pure bliss. My art was selling a bit more, I had a reputation around the local gallery now and people were asking into my work at different exhibitions. I also got some deals made in private with some customers. The time with James as my boyfriend had been great. He took me to places I had never been to before. I remembered last week when he told me he wanted to meet me in front of the Times Square. I wondered why but he didn't want me to know more than that. I went there after work and looked for him in the big crowd. I couldn't see him anywhere and I was beginning to get nervous. A lot of people were walking past me. As I was about to call him up I heard someone whistle. I looked up and turned my head to the right a bit. 

When I saw him, he had a big bouquet of white roses in his hand and he looked smashingly good! I smiled at him and jogged towards him. I got so happy just by seeing him. He handed me the roses and I inhaled the scent of the flowers. I had never gotten flowers from any man before. I remember Oliver always bought me sexy underwear or chocolate, but he never got me flowers. So this was perfect. 

He planned the whole day where he took me to small local restaurants where we ordered all kinds of foods. First, we went to a low key restaurant where they served Mexican food. Then as a snack, we went to an ice cream shop and got ourselves two big bubble waffles with extra chocolate sauce. For dinner, he took me to this really romantic and beautiful place. It was a restaurant where they also had an outdoor part. He had booked a table where we could sit outside. It was an Italian restaurant and the wine there was exquisite! 

I loved how we could talk for hours about anything and nothing. He was really attentive towards me and he was always making sure that I was good and comfortable. When we got back home to his house it was pretty late. I was so tired and we just silently fell asleep on the couch. The next thing I knew was, that I woke up in a different room.

Apparently James had lifted me up and brought me into his bedroom. So, we basically slept in the same bed that night. And it was so nice to wake up next to him. I had slept at his place afterward a couple of times, but I made sure not to do it more often. It was hard to keep my distance to him when we spent the nights together. I could feel that I was tempted to just give in but he was a true gentleman at those times too. 

I blushed just at the thought of it. He was always very sweet about that part. He would stop us in time and remind me of the promise I had made to myself. He didn't want me to do something that I would maybe regret later. So we never did that. 

But oh, how I wanted to! 

'Excuse me miss? Helloooo?'

I snapped out of my daydreaming and caught myself holding a to-go coffee cup in my hand. Instead of handing it back to the customer, I had been standing there totally in dreamland. I shook my head and excused myself.

'I'm so sorry. Here you go sir'

I was at work, serving all kinds of customers again. I was beginning to get tired of this work, but it helped me to pay the bills. I still hadn't found a new renter for Roses old room and it was beginning to get tougher by month. James had suggested that I gave up the apartment and moved in with him. He assured me that we didn't have to sleep in the same room – I could get the guest room. But I didn't intend to it even though I was tempted. Being able to live with James would be a dream come true, but it would also make it more difficult to physically stay away from each other. And besides, my parents would get a heart attack if they knew I had moved in with a man before marriage!

I still hadn't told them about James and me. That we weren't only friends now but in a romantic relationship. Boy, I wish I didn't have to tell them ever! I was so sure how the outcome would look. I was already the black sheep in the family. I already stood out with my own independent choices and now I was supposed to tell them that I got a white boyfriend?

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