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Filiz felt her throat had gone dry & longed for some water but she didn't know how to ask.

Her thoughts were all jumbled together & she was unable to think straight.

Barış had an accident!

She left Aysel to the maid & rushed to the car.She hardly had any time to change clothes,she only took the keys of the house.

She felt her hands were shaking so she took long breaths to calm herself.

She ignored Barış when he left & also retreated when he tried to kiss her!These things were eating her up.

She wondered what he must be thinking or how sad he might be.

Suddenly she felt her throat being constricted & she realized she's unable to breathe anymore.

'Can...can you stop the car please?' She spoke with great difficulty with the little breath she could take in.

'Are you okay ma'am?' The man asked anxiously.

Filiz tried to answer but nothing came out of her mouth.She felt like someone had compressed her neck depriving her from breathing.

'Do you need to go to the hospital?' The man stopped the car & opened the door beside Filiz so she could get some air.

Filiz waved her hand refusing him.She knew she was just having a panic attack & it'll go away after a few minutes but right now Barış was more important.

'I...I'm okay', She whispered breathlessly, 'I need to see Barış'.

He didn't object & went back into the car.

Filiz kept the window open to take in the fresh air but she felt dizzy.Her vision was blurry & she felt a sharp pain shooting up from her head.She tried to breath frequently taking in as much air as she could to make her feel better;but nothing helped as her mind kept wandering back to Barış.

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