Prologue (rewrite)

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Mia's dad left when she was five because he didn't love her mum and he ran away leaving Mia behind. After this her mum shout down mentally and physically. Mia soon had to learn how to fend for herself. At the age of seven she was cooking for herself. When she was eleven one of her friends mums had heard what was going on and called child services. They said her mum was not fit to look after her.

Mia is sixteen and going to have to leave the care home in two years. Her mum never tried to get her back or get better. She sees her mum once a year to celebrate her mums birthday. The only thing that got her through the care system was the escape she found in her favourite shows 'the vampire dairies' and 'the originals.' It was the only time she was truly happy.

At midnight on her sixteenth birthday she held a muffin with one candle on top and decided for once to make a wish. She wished that she could go to Mystic Falls and meet the scooby gang and the originals and finally belong. She though it would never happen but to her surprise the next morning she didn't wake up in her bed and had two sets of memories in her head.

A/N: Hey guys so I hadn't really planned out the other story that well, then I found this one on my notes on my phone and thought it sounded better. I hope you like this and comment if you still want to see what happens next and read this story.

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