Part 3

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A/N: Tween Mia above.

10 Years old:

My dad here came out as gay and moved out of town at the start of the year, because I already knew he was gonna leave us I spent my time comforting Care. Mom buried herself in work and me and Caroline spent most of our time watching movies, I always picked supernatural ones and Care always picked a rom-com. Logan Fell sometimes came round to babysit us when mom was at work.

Tonight was the night I was going to tell my sister everything. Last year I found some old notebooks and wrote down everything I could remember. I also noted down all of the spells I would need from the grimoire I stole, I think I might trade it in soon. In the middle of the night I get out of bed and shake Caroline awake, "Care-bear, wake up." She groans and turns over, "why, it's too late for whatever this is."

I smirk, "I wanted to tell you secret, I guess I could just tell Tyler." She springs up, "don't you even think about it. Tell me right this minute." I laugh, "as you command twiny." I walk back to my bed and pick up my pillow. I do what Bonnie did when she showed Elena and emptied out my pillow so feathers were all over my bed, "Mia! What are you doing, mom is going to be so mad." I shake my head, "just wait. Before I do this I need you to twin swear not to tell another soul, not even mom." She hold out her pinkie and I link mine with hers, "I twin swear it."

I raise my hand and focus and the feathers start to float around me. I hear Caroline gasp and I smile and say, "Care, I'm a witch. A rather good one for a ten year old if I do say so." Her face breaks out into a smile, "No way, how could you not tell me. This is the best think I have ever heard in my entire life. Am I a witch too?" I laugh and shake my head, "no, sorry Care-bear." She pouts, "okay, I guess it's call you are though." I smile, "yeah I guess so. Look there's something else, I know the future and I have to tell you there's not only witches in this world and they're not all nice."

She frowns, "what do you mean Mia." I get up and sit on her bed holding her hands, "there's vampires, werewolves, doppelgangers, and siphoners. That's just the most common ones, I made you something to protect you from vampires controlling your mind." I take out a box and hand her an anklet, "how would it work? Did you spell it or something." I shake my head, "no, I dipped it in vervain. It's a herb that's toxic to vampires and it stops them form getting into your pretty little head. Just wear in on your ankle at all times and you'll be safe."

Caroline hugs me, "thank you for trusting Mia. I won't tell a soul about you or any of this. I promise to always protect you, my little sister." I laugh, "oi, you were only born 5 minutes before me." She smirks, "still older. Hey tomorrow do you think you could explain everything to me in detail. Please." She gives me her puppy dog eyes and I nod, "of course. I love you sissy." I get out of bed and back into mine and she says, "love you too sissy."

12 years old:

I'm now in my second year of middle school and most of the time I sleep through the lessons or pass notes with Caroline or Tyler. I already know everything the teacher was saying so I got bored easily. My art teacher asked me to stay behind after class on the last lesson of the day. "sir, I'm sure you really want to yell at me but can't you do it tomorrow I have places to be." He shakes his head, "why would I yell at you. Maybe you do sleep through a lot of my lesson but your work is fantastic. I was wondering if you ever considered a job in art." I shrug and say with a straight face, "I think I'm gonna focus on getting through school and collage alive first sir."

He laughs thinking I was joking, "I know school can be very daunting, but I think you should very much consider it at the very least." I nod, "sure thing sir, I really have to go though." He smiles, "of course, off you go." I pick up my bag and run out of school. I run to the other side of town and knock on Shelia Bennet's door, "oh Mia what did I do to get this visit."

I out my finger up to tell her to wait as I catch my breath, "sorry, I kind of ran from school. Can I come in." She opens her door wider, "of course you can." I notice how she didn't actually say come in and thought about how smart that was. I sit down on the couch and she walks back in with some tea, "so, it there a reason you decided to visit me." I nod, "yes, I wanted to return something to you." She raises an eyebrow, "I don't remember giving you anything."

I go into my bag and nod, "I kind of took it without asking." I then pull out the grimoire for my bag and give it to her, "and why did you take it?" I look down, "I know it was wrong, but I wanted to learn how to use my magic. Could you teach me." She smiles, "I was wondering when you would ask, II could feel your magic the moment you were born." I hug her, "thank you, thank you. I really mean it Grams." She smiles, "I always liked you kid. So should we start with the unofficial laws of magic, and the consequences?"

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