Part 4

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A/N: Teen Mia above/ face claim Dove Camron.

15 years old:

So I am now two years away from the plot and the car crash. Grams gave me some of her grimoires because she said she knows most of the spells by now anyway. Also grams asked me not to tell Bonnie until her magic comes natural and then it is my job to help Bonnie. Elena and Matt are the golden couple right now, I mean the two of them together is so annoying if you ask me. I am still best friends with Tyler and I help him with his new found anger issues with the help of Caroline.

Tyler also now knows about me and everything else including himself. When I told Caroline last year we both decided to tell him, at first he thought it was joke until I showed him. Caroline is still head cheerleader, me on the other hand didn't want to be a cheerleader. At the start of this year I joined a band and became their lead singer. We call ourselves 'Bloodhound' I thought it sounded cool.

Other then that I had a pretty normal life. So far this year I have been planning on how to break Enzo out. Tyler and Care insisted that they help me, so right now me, Care and Ty are driving to Whitmore Collage.

We pull up in front of the Whitmore house and I turn to the two of them, "first sign of you guys being in protentional danger you leave. Understood." They nod and Ty salutes, "aye, aye, captain." I roll my eyes and smack him round the back of the head, "behave." He pouts and Caroline stops me by my arm, "please, be safe." I kiss her cheek, "I promise I will try."

I walk up to the house and knock on the door, "hi, I'm sorry are you Dr Whitmore." He nods, "yes, that's me." I smirk, "great, I wanted to make sure I did this to the right person." I flick my wrist and he is pinned against a wall, "what are you." I smile, "I'm a witch, a very pissed off one at that. So please do tell me where poor Enzo is before I kill you." He gulps, "I'll tell you, just please don't hurt me." I roll my eyes, "speak then." "go down the hall, to your left, that's where the door to the cells are." I smirk, "thank you. Now please say hi to the devil for me." Before he can speak I snap his neck. That felt oddly good.

I walk down and see the cells all empty. I roll my eyes, "well that's just brilliant." I close my eyes and focus. I feel the aroura of death, and I follow it. I'm coming for you Enzo, I run down a corridor and I found the operation room. I kick the door down and two doctors, I'm gonna guess and say ones Dr Maxfield, turn around. "What are you waiting for get her!" One of the doctors run at me and I just twist my wrist and he's dead.

The doctor left turns away from Enzo and looks at me, "what are you?" I shrug, "I am who I am. I'm gonna guess and say Dr Maxfield." He nods, "we could use someone like you." I shrug, "sorry mate, I'm not up for sale." He tries to sedate me but I turn it around and sedate him. "They never learn." I undo Enzo and throw him a blood bag. "who are you?" I smile, "I'm a friend. You can trust me. Here I made you a daylight ring. Now hurry up and drain the doctor, I have friends waiting." He smirks, "of course gorgeous." After he kills Maxfield we leave. I guess that means no ripper Damon, I can check that off the list of thinks to solve.

We get to the car and I tell him to get in the back and I start to drive. "That was so much fun, so Enzo where are you gonna go now?" He smirks, "haven't really made any plans beautiful. I never thought I would leave." I nod, "I get that, what Damon did was so wrong. Anyway, this is my twin Caroline and my best friend Tyler. I'm sure you can find a place in Mystic Falls, we would let you stay with us but all of our parents are trained to kill vampires and were made to hate the supernatural." Enzo nods, "don't they know about you then." I laugh, "no, and if they did I would be dead by now. Only the people in this car know the truth, I trust them with my life." I hold both of their hands and Tyler smiles, "you are getting way too soft Mia." Care shakes her head, "I think it's cute, oh I know who could put him up. Mrs Flowers."

I nod, "yeah, I'll drop you off Enzo and we will come back to teach you the ways of living." Tyler nods, "yeah, first thing your gonna need is a cell phone, and clothes." Care squeals, "yay shopping time." I laugh, "I think Tyler should pick the clothes, sorry Care." She pouts, "fine, but I'm helping. I just wanna shop." Tyler scoffs playfully, "when don't you?" Care turns around and whacks Tyler, "so rude." Enzo just laughs, "you guys are a strange bunch." I smirk, "don't we know it. Welcome to the group my friend."

16 years old:

So it is officially one year until the plot finally begins, I can not tell you how much I can't wait. I think the first thing I will do is hug Stefan, I still cry full on tears anytime I think about what's going to happen to him in the end. I am going to try my hardest to change it even if I have to take his place I will do it.

Enzo had been staying with Mrs Flowers and so far so good. He never really left the house but he got the hang of the modern world eventually. He still loves to flirt with me whenever I come round, I just roll my eyes and flip him off. In response he just laughs and says I know I want him. He has such a big ego.

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