Part 7

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We were sitting history and one of my favourite scenes is about to come up. Tanner says, "the battle of Willow Creek took place right at the end of the war in our very own Mystic Falls. How many causalities resulted in this battle? Ms Bennet?" Let it begin, Bonnie looks up and says, "um... a lot. I'm not sure. Like a whole lot." Tanner shakes his head, "cute becomes dumb in a instant, Ms Bennet. Mr Donavan. would you like to take this opportunity to overcome the embedded jock stereotype." He shrugs, "it okay, Me Tanner, I'm cool with it."

"hmm, Elena?" Before he can continue I raise my hand and say, "yo Tanner, what's that about. I mean you call us by last names and you call her by her first. Is that favouritism I smell. Now sir would you like to rephrase." He sighs and says, "Ms Gilbert? Surely you can enlighten us about one of the towns most significantly historical events?" She shakes her head, "I'm sorry I-- Don't know." Now what this man says next annoys the hell out of me, "I was willing to be lenient last year for obvious reasons, Elena, but the personal excuses ended with summer break."

I laugh and the whole class looks at me like I'm crazy, "look I'm sorry, I mean it's common knowledge I don't like Elena that much. So me saying means a hell of a lot, I mean how would you like it if I killed your family and then almost killed you. Then after a couple of months they tell to teach a lesson because you should be able to get on with your life. I mean, this girl almost drowned and is trying to move with her life and as much as I don't like her that shows strength. So fuck you." I flip him off and lean back in my seat. He tells me to leave and on my way I give Gilbert a wink and then hear from outside Stefan saying, "there were, 346 casualties, unless your counting local civilians." I just smirk and walk myself to the office.

On the way to my car I hear Elena call my name and when I stop she walks up to me and says, "thanks, for what you did in class. I know we don't always get along but maybe we can be friends." I roll my eyes, "hard pass, sorry but I didn't do that to try and be your friend. I did that because I like to piss of Tanner, and he was being a dick. So maybe I'll see you around golden girl." I get in my car and leave to get ready for the bonfire.

(Outfit above.) Me and my band played two sets and right now I'm tired and drinking some sort of crappy beer. I get board so I decide to talk to Ruby the witch that sent me here, 'oi! Ruby!" I hear a sigh, 'took you long enough, I thought you forgot about me.' I roll my eyes, 'what can you tell me about this mystery dude?' She sighs, 'look, I can't tell you his name. I saw what was gonna happen to him and you need to stop it. I have no decedents left alive in my line so I made you to continue it. I made you more powerful then the witch that made this place. A witch over here wants him dead, don't let him die, not the way the world intends him too please I beg you.'

Before I could respond I hear a scream and I see Jeremy and Elena with Vicky. This can't be good, looks like Damon's in town. Time to put my guard up, When I try to talk to Ruby I get no response and decide to leave it for tonight. I need to sleep, I text Caroline and tell her to go home with Bonnie.

When I get home and lay on my bed I hear the door open. I turn around and see Tyler, "hey, I did something bad in the woods." I sit up and pat the end of my bed, "sit down Ty, tell me it can't be that bad." He shakes his head, "I tried to force myself on Vic. I was drunk and stupid, I'm a horrible person." He starts to cry and I hold him in my arms, "No, you were drunk. When she get's out of the hospital you are going to say sorry and never to do it again. You're not a horrible person, your one of my best friends. Look stay here the night, we can watch a movie. Yeah?" He nods and he lays next to me as I put on a movie and we slowly fall asleep.

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