Part 5

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17 years old:

Okay this is the year the plot begins, last spring Elena's parents died. Like in the show Jeremy still went into drugs, not that I could blame him. I still sometimes did hang out with him, unlike his sister I didn't push him to talk. If he wanted to I would listen but other then that we would just hang out. It was now the first day back and Caroline bangs on my door, "hurry up and get up, you missy are not making me late for my first day back. I want to see how Elena's doing." I groan, "fine, I'm getting up." (Room and outfit above.)

I grab my bag and run downstairs to see Caroline in the kitchen drinking a smoothie, "finally! Come on I made you a smoothie we have to go. Mom already left and I really don't feel like being late." I roll my eyes, "fine, come on I have a band meeting today anyway." She nods and we walk to her car, "so are you guys gonna play the bonfire?" The dreaded bonfire, I guess the show is really starting, "yeah, we've got a good set."

We get to school and Care get's taken away by cheerleaders and I walk over my band mates. I put my hands over our drummer Reggie's eyes, "guess who?" He laughs, "nice to see you too Mia." I take my hands away and pout, "you are no fun." Gabi our bass player laughs, "oh grow up you two, so how was your summer?" I shrug, "the normal, mom was working, me and Care watched loads of movie and when she left for camp I was with Ty." Leo our guitarist rolls his eyes, "I don't get why you hang out with that jock."

I smack him round the head, "be nice dude, if you really knew him past the whole dick thing I think you would like him. Anyway if I stopped hanging out with people because they were dicks I would have left this band a long time ago." Leo scoffs, "you know you love us." I shrug, "sometimes." Gabi then looks behind me, "look at the new guy." I turn around and see Paul Wesley, or should I say Stefan Salvatore. I turn back around, "he seems like the broody type, you know like Edward Cullen." Reggie shakes his head, "so he's a vampire." I laugh but not for the reason they think and say, "yeah, better lock all the windows and doors or he might watch you sleep and snack on your pretty necks."

I was walking to history when I see Stefan at his locker. I tap his shoulder and when he turns around I wave, "hey Edward, my names Mia." He gives me a smile, "my names actually Stefan." I laugh, "duh, I know that. You just remind me of Edward Cullen, you know the broody vampire." I see him tense, "and how do I remind you of him." I smirk, "catch you later Edward." I send him a wink and walk into class with him soon following.

The whole lesson Matt was looking at Elena, Elena and Mr Broody were looking all lovey at each other, then Stefan would turn to look at me and I would just wink or smirk back. At the end of the lesson I met up with Care and we were driving back home, "did you hear about the new boy." I let out a small laugh, "I hate to burst you bubble, but he's a bunny eating vampire with a crazy misunderstood vampire brother. Also he's already fallen for Elena." She pouts, "great, so not only does the new hot guy love Elena, but he just so happens to be a vampire. Great." I smirk, "things are finally about to get interesting, and I can't wait."

A/N: hey guys I just wanted to thank you all for your support on this story, also I have a Bonnie's sister story on my account so please do check that out. I know I haven't been updating but that is because I am now back at school so the updates might be slower then normal.

Xoxo Maddie.

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