I Forgive You

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Ariana walked outside frustrated, she picked up some of the dung her brother had been throwing at the neighbors and flung it at his head.

"Albus!" He said trying to get it out of his auburn hair.

"I get why you throw them now." Ariana said as she wiped her hands on some clean grass.

Aberforth turned around and mad a small O shape with his mouth. He looked like he'd just been caught eating all the sweets their father would bring to them from the little store on the corner of their old town, before they moved.

Ariana sighed and looked up at the clouds, they were grey which meant it was going to rain or it was just going to be a cloudy day. Ariana hoped it would rain, she really liked the rain, it was cool and refreshing and very beautiful. Plus, it meant she got to stay indoors with her brothers.

And Gellert.

He's suspicious 

Suspicious of helping us? 

"Sorry Ari," Aberforth apologized, "I thought you were Albus."

"It's fine." Ariana said pulling at the grass. One of the goats came over and nudged her, she started scratching on their back. The goat liked it and started leaning on Ariana. Aberforth chuckled lightly and sat next to his little sister.

"I'm sorry about yesterday," he started, "What I said was rude and inconsiderate."

"You were just angry at Albus, that's all."

"But I hurt your feelings."

"And yours were hurt too," Ariana said, "you weren't thinking."

"But, your feelings shouldn't be hurt because mine are."

"I forgive you Abe."


"But you need to forgive Albus for wanting to leave the house with someone his age."

"But he left us." Aberforth countered.

"And you hurt me."

Aberforth stared at the grass and was lost in concentration. He was trying to find a good reason not to forgive his brother. Ariana wondered why he had such a disdain for Albus, Albus had always treated him with respect. Perhaps something happened at Hogwarts that they did not want to tell Ariana.

Ariana looked up at the house and saw someone in the window looking out on her and Aberforth. She squinted at the figure and realized it was her eldest brother, she could tell it was him because of his auburn hair. Gellert came from behind him and touched his shoulders and played with his hair. Ariana felt she was intruding and turned back to Aberforth.

"I suppose I should apologize to him as well," he said, "I behaved very horribly towards him."

"But are you forgiving him?" Ariana asked.


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