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    Brokenstar stood on the Shade Rock, his amber eyes eerily dark as he looked over his Clan.  He was the leader of ShadowClan, since before your birth.  Your mother was only an apprentice at the time he became leader, and he made her a warrior almost right away, along with your mother's sister, who'd died in one of Brokenstar's terrible battles against the other Clans.  You would become an apprentice now, and you were only three moons old.  You stayed close to your mother's side, fearful of what would happen.  Your father, F/N, was one of Brokenstar's closest warriors.  He wouldn't oppose Brokenstar for you or your brother, B/K (Brother's kit name), and risk losing his position, and be sentanced to exile or death.

    "Today, a kit is old enough to train as an apprentice," Brokenstar announced, as his deputy, Blackfoot, glared at the cats, making sure they were listening.  "K/N, come forth," he hissed.

    You shuffled forward, scared, but as you looked at the familiar cats around you, how they survived Brokenstar's treachory, you straightened up.  You weren't going to let any cat kill you.  I won't let it happen, you thought bravely, I'm gonna be the best warrior ShadowClan's ever seen!  I'll be leader someday!

    "K/N, you are now A/N.  Your mentor is Blackfoot," Brokenstar declared, then turned to your brother.  Your heart sank as you looked at Blackfoot.  He narrowed his eyes, not looking to fond of you.  I'm too anxious.

    "B/K, you are now B/A (Brother's app name).  I will be your mentor.  Clan dismissed."  Brokenstar lept down from the rock and whispered something to Blackfoot.

    "Come on you two, training starts right away," Blackfoot meowed to you and B/A.  He led you out of camp to a spot where the pine needles on the ground had been cleared away.  The cool night breeze blew through your kit fluff, and you shivered.  Your brother looked cold too.  Two three moon old kits shouldn't be out in ithe cold leaf-fall night weather, especially not training.  Brokenstar had declared that all apprentices and kits train with unsheathed claws when they trained.  Yellowfang, the medicine cat, always had her work cut out for her.

    A moon later, Runningnose was explaining to Brokenstar that StarClan sent him a message, telling him that you were to be a medicine cat, but Brokenstar seemed to be ignoring him, until Runningnose said that he would leave as Yellowfang did, if he didn't pay attention.  You watched, confused.  Part of you wanted to be a warrior, but you also wanted to heal cats instead of hurting them.  I don't want to hurt cats.

    "Brokenstar, if we don't acknowlage this omen, ShadowClan will fall, and I won't stay to watch it happen," Runningnose explained.  Brokenstar looked as if he would attack the medicine cat any moment now.

    "Fine, if you'll shut up," Brokenstar growled.  "You can have A/N as your apprentice, but she must fight in battles, and still partake in warrior training.  I don't need any more useless herb-eaters in my Clan."

    Runningnose isn't useless! you wanted to hiss.  You'd always been drawn to the medicine den, and you often listened to the young tabby, back when he was an apprentice.  His mentor, Yellowfang, had recently ran away from ShadowClan, and taken shelter in ThunderClan, and now that old furball was their medicine cat.  Figures that old mouseheart would go to a Clan like that, you thought bitterly.  The ways of a ShadowClan cat seemed to come to you now, or at least how Brokenstar thought a ShadowClan cat should be.  I understand why Yellowfang left. . .

He's No Monster [ Tigerstar x Reader ]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя