Chapter 8

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    Tigerstar had returned from the gathering with his warriors.  It was a few days since the gathering and things were going fine.  You'd felt a little strange lately, as if you'd eaten some bad prey.  You silently hoped there would be no sickness in camp again, after all that the Clan had been through.

    "A/N," Tigerstar called to you.  You bounded up to the dark tom.

    "Yes, Tigerstar?" you asked, dipping your head to him.

    "Follow me," he purred as he lept onto the rock in the clearing.  Your heart thumped in your chest as you realised what was going on.  He was calling a Clan meeting!

    "Runningnose, your apprentice, A/N, has showed great loyalty to ShadowClan.  I believe it is time she's made a full medicine cat, after all this time," the leader announced.  "If you agree that she is ready, of course."

    Runningnose nodded, pride glittering in his gaze.  "I agree that she is ready.  I will bring her to the Moonstone in a bit."

    Tigerstar nodded, then lept down from the rock and padded to his den.  Your mentor padded up to you.  "Lets go."

    "Now?" you asked, startled.

    He nodded.  "There's no time to waste."

    You followed the medicine cat for a long, harsh, trek to Mothermouth.  As you entered, you realised that the tunnel into the Moonstone's chamber no longer deterred you, but welcomed you, and you knew each pawprint in the dirt as if you'd lived here your whole life.

    Runningnose sat by the Moonstone and inhaled sharply.  He looked at you.  You felt weird as you waited for the other medicine cats to show up for the half-moon gathering.  It was early. . .

    Soon enough, Cinderpelt limped in alone.  Yellowfang was dead, you'd heard the announcement at the gathering, and now, the young medicine cat looked nervous as she dragged her destroyed hind leg behind her.  Runningnose greeted her kindly.  You'd been resentful of ThunderClan lately, and RiverClan a bit too, because the cats were so well-fed looking, during the time before Tigerstar came, when you and your kin were starving.  Tigerstar really was a gift from StarClan, he'd saved you and your Clan from dying of starvation.  ShadowClan owed them their lives.

    Barkface and Mudfur padded in side by side.  The two brown toms greeted Cinderpelt, Runningnose, and you.

    The cats gathered around as they waited for your medicine cat ceremony.  Runningnose cleared his throat and sniffled, then began.

    "I, Runningnose, medicine cat of ShadowClan, call apon my warrior anscestors to look down on this apprentice.  She has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help she will serve her Clan for many moons."  He looked directly at you.  "A/N, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry of Clan and Clan, and protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?"

    You looked up at him eagerly.  "I do."

    "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your true name as a medicine cat.  A/N, from this moment you will be known as Y/N.  StarClan honours your curiosity and knowlage, and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of ShadowClan," Runningnose meowed.  He rested his muzzle on your head for a brief moment, and you licked his shoulder in acknowlagement.

      The other medicine cats approvingly watched, then cheered, not too loud.  You looked over at the Moonstone and shivered.  Are you watching me now, StarClan?  I’m at your service for the rest of my time in my Clan.

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