Chapter 2

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    Runningnose sighed.  It had been a few days after the gathering, and your mentor had travelled with Nightpelt to the Moonstone.  "He didn't receive his lives, A/N.  Part of your duty as a medicine cat is to know secrets like this.  You must know how many lives your leader has, and Nightpelt only has one.  You know that now, but no other cats must.  Only Nightpelt himself."

    "So what are we going to tell the other Clans at the next gathering?" you asked.

    "The best we can do is lie.  As far as every cat knows, he's been granted his name by StarClan, and his lives.  Cinderfur doesn't even know.  You must tell every cat that he has nine lives, and his name is Nightstar, okay?"

    "Yes, Runningnose."

    You shuffled through the herb stash in the back of the den.  Cinderfur said his joints hurt again, and Ashfur needed more juniper berries for his cough.  You growled under your breath.   The deputy needed the same herbs the elders did for some reason.  He should be an elder.

    You carried the juniper berries and comfrey root to the elders' den.  Cinderfur was sitting just outside of it, and you nodded to him.  You pushed some of the root toward him.  "Chew it up and apply it where your bones hurt."  You then turned away and entered the elders den.

    "Ashfur?" you called into the den.  You jumped back as you looked at him.  His fur was ruffled, and his breathing was shallow.  His eyes were dull and he looked nearly dead.  "Ashfur. . ?" you called again, padding cautiously toward him.  "A- are you okay. . ?"

    "A/N," he croaked.  "Did you bring the juniper berries?"

    You nodded, looking at the dying cat.  "What happened?"

    "Nothing happened, young A/N.  This is-" he was cut off by a series of coughs, so you pushed the juniper berries to him.  He chewed them and swallowed.  "This is just part of life.  This won't happen to you for many many seasons.  You have much more time left ahead of you.  It would be nice if you could bring me some water though.  Maybe send an apprentice to help me with these darn ticks.  Don't worry, young 'un.  I'm not giving up yet."  He yawned and sat up, then began grooming his pelt.

    "I'll send Oakpaw.  He'll help with the ticks.  I'll be right back," you meowed.  You padded away from the den toward the apprentices' den.  Oakpaw was just outside with Brownpaw.  The two toms were mewing about something.

    "Oakpaw," you called softly to him.  He glanced at you.

    "Yes, A/N?" he answered.

    "Go bring Ashfur a mouse or frog or something.  You also need to clean out his nest with Brownpaw and help him get rid of his ticks."

    The small brown tom groaned and you gave him a warning glare.  He rolled his eyes and padded of with his denmate.  You bounded back to your den, getting the mouse bile and carrying it to the apprentices.  They took the soaked moss on a stick and carried it into the elders den.  You retrieved water for the elder and brought it to him, and helped the apprentices clean out his nest.

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