Chapter 5

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Author's note: I apoligise for the delays on new chapters, my younger brother somehow ended up with the Tigerclaw's Fury book.  Oof.

    The next day Tigerclaw said his patrol was attacked by a ThunderClan patrol, and there'd been a battle, and the day after that, well, it wasn't going so well.  Nighstar was so ill that he'd passed just before dawn, and you were still shaken at the thought of being leaderless.  Runningnose was even worse, the small grey and white tom was panicking more than ever, saying he had to lead ShadowClan himself, and it was only dawn.  He hadn't chosen a new leader yet, and StarClan hadn't sent him a sign yet of who to choose.  Things were going terribly today, and all you could do was hope that Tigerclaw would help.  Without him and his group, ShadowClan would fall apart.  You hated to admit it, but a rogue was saving ShadowClan.  ShadowClan couldn't save itself anymore.  At least the sickness was letting up now.  Runningnose had just spoken to Tigerclaw and announced that he will be fullfilling leader duties until StarClan sent a sign of the next leader.  Tigerclaw had offered to take over patrols and battle training too, and Runningnose, dispite the few bitter protests, had accepted the dark tabby's help.

    Now, Tigerclaw was leading a battle-training patrol out, with Runningnose's guidence, of course.

    Later that night, the cats gathered around for a meal.  Tigerclaw and his warriors had brought back an impressive haul, more than ShadowClan was used to seeing.

    "I'd like to say something, you watched as Tigerclaw meowed.  "Every bite we take tonight is dedicated to the memory of Nightstar.  ShadowClan has lost a noble leader, and my companions and I are honoured to share your grief."  You felt affection for the massive tabby warm your pelt as you watched him.  He was so confident, so strong, what she-cat wouldn't want him?  You felt a pang of worry.  What if you weren't the only she-cat in ShadowClan after the powerful rogue's heart?

    "Thank you, Tigerclaw," Runningnose mewed to him, his voice cracking.  "We are honoured to have you here- you and your companions.  On behalf of my Clanmates, I would like to invite you to move into the camp.  You have proven your loyalty to ShadowClan many times over, and it's what Nighstar would have wanted.  You belong here now, not outside our borders."

    Tigerclaw seemed thoughtful for a moment, then replied.  "You are very generous, Runningnose.  If you are sure this is what Nighstar would want, then we accept."

    Rowanberry greeted them kindly.  "Welcome to ShadowClan, Tigerclaw, and to those of you who have lived among us before, welcome home."

    Tigerclaw asked Runningnose something, but you were unaware, daydreaming.  Tigerclaw was the tom of your dreams.  He was living here now, in camp!  You could speak to him every day now!

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