27 - Revive

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"I mean, there's a lot to say I suppose," Byrd laughed but her tone was growing deeper. She settled back down in the grass and leaned her head over to stare at Kenneth. Her thumb rubbed circles, her skin oddly soft for a game generated avatar. 

"Why..." Kenneth pursed his lips. What am I trying to say? What am I trying to ask? He felt cold cutting into his back that wasn't the grass and shivered. His fingers tightened around hers. There's too much to ask, too much to say. He sighed. "I don't know what I want...I just, I want to understand it all. How in the world do you look at life and see any reason for living it? Does He give you that too?" 

Byrd nodded, her head leaning into the grass. Her eyes were fixated on him. Kenneth felt his cheeks growing warm and he cut his eyes to the sky again. 

"Yeah, He does," she answered. She shifted to her back, hand still clasped in his. "See, I don't know it all. Really, I'm still really confused on life and stuff. What am I gonna do when I get older? Who am I? All questions I ask a lot, but I know there's one constant thing in my life. God has a plan for me. He's always had one since I was born, and even though I don't really know where it was, He's got a purpose in mind. I'll follow through with it to the end because as long as I have a purpose, life has a reason to be lived."

She took in a deep breath. Kenneth's eyes flickered to her face and rested there, watching her eyes as they stared deep into the night sky and shimmered with pinpricks of light. I feel like I oughta think or say something really cheesy right now, he laughed mentally. His lips almost quirked into a smile but remained a thin line instead. He shook the thought away and tried to inhale. It sounded ragged even in the game. 

Byrd's hand squeezed his. "I guess what I mean to say is that, I know hopelessness. Maybe not to the same extent you do. I don't know your whole life story but what you told me, it sounds rough. Words aren't enough to comfort pain like that, but I know that Jesus has for me given me a reason to wake up in the morning and live each day looking forward to my purpose to be fulfilled in Him, and also...I look forward to each day I can wake up knowing it's a chance to save someone's soul. I hope someday, I'll save at least one, but maybe that's shallow of me."

Kenneth stared at their hands. He wanted to reach over and touch her hand but his hands were heavy against the grass. His eyelids tried to droop and he inhaled sharply, forcing cold air into his weakening lungs. "It's not...shallow," he murmured. "You're...a good...person."

"Thank you," she whispered. "You are too."

Kenneth closed his eyes. His face felt warm and cold at the same time. Reality creeping in? He shivered and tightened his grasp on her fingers. "I. I like you," he gasped. "A lot." His eyes cut over to her slightly, bloodshot behind the avatar. He strained, his head wanting to turn away as his face flushed with a deeper warmth. 

Byrd just looked up and smiled back at him. Her eyes rested on their hands. "Don't tell my mother, but I like you a lot too," she whispered and grinned.  "And I hope, we can meet in th real world someday." 

Kenneth rested his head to the side, struggling to intake air. He nodded, though, his eyes blurring out of focus. "Yeah..." Breathing was getting hard and his chest tightened uncomfortably. He coughed and inhaled sharply. "T-Thank you. For talking. To. Me. And..." he struggled on the intake and got a little more air. His chest burned, clear as day, and it wasn't from his avatar. "And. Thank you. For. Answering. Me."

Her movements caused the grass to brush against his body. Her hand was still tight in his but she put her other hand on his shoulder. "Anytime, just stay calm and take deep breaths, okay? 

Kenneth tried to nod. His throat felt dry, almost cracked. He coughed and it send spikes of pain through his neck. He gasped, his body heavy. The world outside was getting clearer. He could smell the water under the bridge, the exhaust of an old vehicle. City, concrete. He choked on it and wheezed, trying to get the earthy smell out of his head and focus on the game. Byrd was there. He could feel her holding his hand, could barely make out her avatar leaning worriedly over him. Her brow was furrowed, that couldn't be good. Lips moving. He focused on her voice.

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