Chapter 2

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I was awoken by a tapping on my window. I looked up and saw Lachlan knocking on my window.

I walked over and opened it.


He crawled in and sat next to me.

Then he burst out crying.

"Vikk, its my father.. he's abusing me. I need help."

I pulled him onto my lap, friendly of course, only I wished it wasn't. I shushed him and then I set up a bed under mine.

"Go to sleep Lachlan. Goodnight" I told him.

"Night, icky sticky Vikky." He giggled. I heard footsteps and shoved him under the bed.

"Tuck your feet in." I whispered. He did.

I put my head on my pillow and faked being asleep.

Then the door opened.

He has a secret, can he keep it? (Vikklan)Where stories live. Discover now