Chapter 14

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Lachlan POV

How could he lie about being gay? How could he Lie about loving me? How could he lie about all that stuff and most likely more?

I sighed and grabbed a piece of paper, back in Australia, I used to do graffiti, I'm gonna see if I can still do it.


If you couldn't tell that was stealer. Oh, I'll show you all I can do.


Yeah, not much, Vikk came downstairs when a knock came from the door. "VEINNA! I TOLD YOU, I DONT LOVE YOU WE BROKE UP YEARS AGO!" He screamed. He walked into the room. "Lachlan, let me explain!" He begged.

I guess I could let him explain, I nodded, refusing to look at him.

He explained the whole thing, adding at the end he loved me. "I just need a little time!" I told him. He nodded, a dismal look on his face.

"I'm off to grab some MacDonalds, want some? All the boys are." He told me.

"Quarter pounder burger, fries and a frappachino. Thanks!" I told him. He nodded and walked out the door.

Around half an hour later he wasn't back. MacDonalds was only ten minutes away. I'll leave him too it, thought Lachlan. He switched the TV on the news and watched. A news reporter came on and told them the most heartbreaking news.

He has a secret, can he keep it? (Vikklan)Where stories live. Discover now