Chapter Five: Dark

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"Niallen, that was not the point of this conversation!" Asman yelled, wholly confused as to how the man still could say he was not a prisoner.

"Why would I keep you prisoner? You said that you were not resisting, correct?" Niallen inquired with a shrug towards Asman.

"I meant I would not resist to be a prisoner. I told you that you would have to keep me as one if you intended on taking me anywhere." Asman huffed and waved his hands out in front of him.

"You have been willing before this, why do you need to be shackled this time?"

Asman paused and stayed quiet at that. He knew the reason, but was not keen on tell Niallen.

"Do not be stupid, Niallen." He said instead, hoping that if he insulted the man that maybe he would get the hint. "I could run off again, or punch you again, or steal your sword. Again."

Niallen sighed and shut his eyes for a moment, rubbing his temples before waving to one of the Guards.

"Tie him up. If he wants to be a prisoner so bad, then so be it." Niallen said and then walked off in the direction of the stables.

Asman exhaled lowly, more of a sigh of relief than anything. Dahlia gave him a strange look as one of the Guards stepped forward, pulling a loop of rope from his belt.

He let himself be tied with his hands in front of him. Although he was upset with his wound being gone, it also felt a lot better to not be in pain constantly.

The rough dealings that the man in charge of him put him through did nothing more than make a slight flush appear, though he was sure that no one noticed.

It seemed that the Guard had already collected their things and resupplied, with some new satchels and bags added to the many others.

Asman was walked through the streets by a hand on his arm, not kind but not gentle either. He understood that they might be rougher now, but the way the man was just bringing in the edge of harshness was almost annoying Asman; if he was to be a prisoner, they should treat him as such.

Luckily, the hand let go when they reached the stables. The man only nudged him towards Niallen again, who was loading his horse slowly.

Niallen glanced at Asman with an arched brow and tugged the final strap of leather down before turning to the smaller man and sighing once more; Asman felt as if the man was doing a lot of that lately.

"This is what you wanted then? To be tied up and helpless instead of free and able?" Niallen questioned while taking one of Asman's arms in his hand and pulling him towards the horse.

"I am not helpless. You can attest, I have a thick skull." Asman huffed and did what he hoped Niallen was pointing him to by slipping his foot into the stirrup.

Asman pulled himself up as best he could without the full use of his hands, only grabbing what he could and sliding up into the saddle for the second time.

Niallen was quick to mount also, but this time went behind Asman and got comfortable there instead of in front of him.

"In more ways then one apparently." Was all Niallen said as he picked up the reins and boxed Asman's body in.

Asman assumed the change in position was so that he would not fall, seeing as he could no longer hold onto Niallen's waist with how close his hands were tied together.

He clicked his tongue at Niallen's comment and only placed his hands on the leather horn at the front of the saddle. Asman had to admit that this position was far more comfortable than being in the back.

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