Chapter Thirteen: Metal

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Days passed easily and without fanfare from then on.

Niallen stayed true to his word and began teaching Asman how to wield a sword. They would practice for a few hours before dark while Asman attempted to keep up with the man.

It had taken almost two evenings for Asman to be able to actually wield the sword correctly, and nearly seven more for him to finally feel comfortable striking. Niallen had said he was quick to learn, but Asman felt as if it took ages and many more bruises than needed.

Of course, Niallen thought it best to use an actual sword and not a branch while Asman began. This resulted in many more cuts than needed also.

There had been one instance that Asman forgot to block one of Niallen's advances, and the night ended in the former having to be stitched up by Hilcren once more. Niallen apologized, but only after telling Asman that he needed to work on his dodges if he was unable to block.

Even though Asman took the advice and was able to block the next time, it certainly made Asman pause in his ever constant feelings for the man.

There was no doubt in his mind that Niallen was attractive; especially when the Guard had stopped at a small lake and Asman had got to see the man with his hair down and wet. But, there was a doubt as to if the man even cared about Asman besides as just another Guard.

When Asman would watch Niallen interact with the others, it was in almost the exact same way as he would do with Asman.

At some points, Asman was almost glad with this, seeing that Niallen was enough of a good leader to not have favor for someone more than the others. But again, did this mean that Asman needed to rethink his feelings to be more practical?

He had tried talking to Dahlia about it, but they only had so much alone time before either one was needed for something or Asman was required for more training.

So, even though it had been just past a fortnight since Asman had started traveling with them, he was still at a standstill with how to feel.

Besides his swordsmanship and feelings of Niallen, he had also been practicing with Teran to gain better control of his magic.

Asman, at first, wanted nothing to do with it. He was terrified that if he became too overwhelmed, he could accidentally put someone else in danger. Though, after Niallen, Dahlia, and Teran each spoke to him about the risk being low if no one was around, Asman begrudgingly said yes.

He mostly practiced alone, at night, far off from camp just in case something bad did happen.

The hard part was not letting the magic out, but instead focusing it on one thing and then drawing it back in.

The voices of The Dead still called loudly for Asman to continue until nothing was left, and the first time he practiced, Asman nearly did give in. That is, until he repeated to himself many times over that Sam would not want him to give in, and that it was not The Dead's Magic, but his own. Who would he be if he could not control his own magic?

The next few times after that, Teran joined him and showed Asman his own magic.

It was not much, but the small clouds of mist or drops of water were entertaining and made Asman feel better that he was not the only one with magic.

Teran helped him begin focusing his magic on smaller things; blades of grass, little flowers or weeds, and bugs that would crawl on them while they sat against trees or in meadows.

Each night, Asman got just a little bit better at controlling the outflow of magic and quieting the voices.

At one of the sparse larger villages they stayed in, Niallen bought Asman a horse of his own so that Berry would not have to carry so much each day.

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