Chapter Twenty-Three: Epilouge

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The morning after that found Asman and Niallen still holding each other. The warm rays of morning light shining across Niallen's bed even if the room was chilled.

The fire had gone out over the course of the night, causing Asman to be woken by his toes chilled and his face attempting to bury itself deeper into Niallen's chest till he could not breath.

After many attempts to fall back asleep, Asman finally gave up and wiggled himself from the other mans hold, shivering while reigniting and stoking the fire. It felt nice to not have to worry about being back on the road as soon as he woke.

Instead, he could stand by the fire and warm himself while he waited for Niallen to wake. Which did not seem to take long seeing as the heat keeping him warm was gone.

Niallen slowly padded over to Asman, his bare feet slapping against hardwood that would have made Asman shriek if he did not have socks on. Niallen ignored what was likely ice cold floors to instead wrap his arms around Asman's shoulders with a hum.

While the fire crackled and the room filled with heat again, Asman kissed his love with a small smile fit only for quiet mornings.

That same day also contained a bath between them and a dinner with the Guard. The bath was full of scented oils and perhaps heavier kissing, but resulted in them both clean anyway.

The dinner was held at the castle and was stock full of food that the people of the Guard had not eaten in a year; some of the foods Asman had never eaten before in his life.

Niallen and Asman told the Guard that they were together now, and that Asman would be remaining in the Guard until further notice. The night ended in a very loud group of drunks, filling the castle with laughter and song.

Asman, for the next year, began learning more about his magic from the head Mage in the castle, the woman being personally appointed by the Queen. She taught him about what Death Magic truly could do and how to keep the voices calling for him to kill to a minimum.

There had not been a campaign for a long time. So, Niallen spent his days helping around the castle with chores, or having a seat in the war cabinet as an esteemed member. Desmond was less suited for battle plans and instead graduated to a spot on the civil disputes cabinet.

Rossnan and his family of four moved into the city nicely, his wife having knowledge of herbs led them to having an apothecary while her husband tried to learn to help.

The rest of the Guard did what they wanted. Some worked at temporary practices, and some joined the Royal Guard as intermittent soldiers for everyday guarding of the castle.

Each day, when the city and castle woke, Niallen and Asman were ready for the news that Felias was attacking the border again. With how the war was coming to a point, it was inevitable that one of those days would land them in the final battle.

Two winters after they had arrived, the news finally came.

With summer approaching quickly, the Feliasian armies had marched to the border. Thankfully, a letter from Fort Aidell stated that the armies would wait until Isadren had gathered their own fleet worth battling.

The letter included, by name, for the Blood Guard to be there. Calling especially for Niallen and the 'Vanien's Spawn'. Asman would have felt upset, but he had began worshipping the Isadrenian gods two springs ago.

At this new word, Queen Kelnua agreed to send a portion of their army; the others would lie back and wait if those at the border all perished.

Now, it is time to finally fight for the peace in Calia.

It was time, for the Fall of Felias.

Song above is what I think of as Niallen and Asman's song. I am considering doing a second book, so any support helps to move towards it. —

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