Chapter Fourteen: Spirit

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With no surprise to Asman, the Guard chose to fight.

Some of the members had of course been hesitant after Niallen's speech to them, yet there was no question that the Guard still wanted to fight.

Asman was relieved to find that he would not be fighting alone, but the look that Niallen gave him after the decision was made greatly diminished his mood for the night. The mans face was contorted in a way that said 'Whatever happens is your fault.'

He tried not to dwell on the look for long while the Guard finally laid down to sleep.

The firelight was warm and flickering across the grass as Asman lay on his bedroll. His eyes were lidded and watching his own fingers while they danced across blades of grass, killing them as they went.

Asman sighed softly and finally shut his eyes, letting sleep easily claim him after the long day.


"Asman... Asmannn. Wake up Asman, do not not want to see what you have done?"

The voice faded in and out around Asman's head, the mans eyes snapping open to try and see where it was coming from. Instead though, he found a black starless sky staring back down at him.

"Look around, Asman. This is all your fault, you wanted them to fight, did you not?"

Asman sat up and did as told, glancing around at the carnage that was laid before him.

The Guard was dead, all lying on the ground with unbreathing forms.

Next to him, Dahlia was laid out with open and dead eyes. When Asman looked closer, he could see her throat slit, deep red blood gushing from the wound.

"No, no, no, how did this happen?" Asman whispered, reaching out to try and stop the bleeding, even though he knew she was already gone.

"You did this, Asman. You wanted everyone to fight with you, and this is what happened. Not that it was not going to happen anyway; you are mad, who is to say you would not have killed them after you finally lost it?"

The Voice became louder while it floated closer to Asman's ears. He inhaled sharply and let go of Dahlia to shove his hands over his head.

"I did not do this. I know I did not, you are lying. I would never kill my friends." Asman growled out, his words sounding funny due to the palms over his ears.

He could feel the blood from Dahlias wound stick to his skin, the smell thick and of iron. Asman had tears forming in his eyes; Dahlia was dead, the Guard was dead.

"Oh? Look behind you. Is that not how you would kill him?"

Asman's eyes widened as he unclaspes his hands and turned around, his heartbeat stuttering at the sight.

It was Niallen this time, his neck bruised blue and purple. Asman felt sick to his stomach looking at him like that; his hair splayed across the grass, eyes wide and red and unseeing, neck mangled by hands that he had trusted.

Asman whimpered and shook his head, holding a hand to his mouth at the sudden need to expel his stomach.

"This is not real. I would not do this." He exhaled shakily, the tears now flowing harshly across his cheeks.

"You can not control yourself, Asman. Killing plants and bugs will never be enough for you. You finally broke and killed every single one of your friends. The people that trusted you and laughed with you, dead because of you. Your brother died because you did not protect him-"

Swords of Isadren (BoyxBoy)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora