Chapter Seventeen: Blood

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Unfortunately, it only took until just before dawn for the Guard to be woken by yelling and footsteps running.

Asman snapped awake just as the rest of them did, his eyes burning from the lack of sleep, but aware that he needed to get out of bed and help with whatever caused the noise.

Quickly, he joined the rest of the Guard, snatching up his sword and armor and hastily slipping it on. Asman followed Niallen while buckling the few straps at his side and stepping outside with his sword in hand.

Half of the forts occupants were running towards the southern gate, as the rest rushed to wake anyone who was still sleeping.

Asman and the Guard followed Niallen quickly, the man with his own sword out while attempting to find the captain of the the fort. The fort being in such a state of chaos, it was hard to fine the woman in charge.

"Commander!" Niallen finally yelled once said woman was in his sights. "What is happening?"

The Commander looked to Niallen swiftly while she stayed at a steady and fast pace to the gate, her dirty face framed by bright red hair. She had a worried look that quickly transferred over to Asman's.

Had the Feliasian soldiers begun to attack? There was yelling from both sides of the fort walls, so had they possibly found a way over them?

"The Feliasians are shooting arrows over the wall, some of them aflame and some not. They still have not breached the walls or gate, but if we do not do something then it will only be a matter of time." The Commander gritted out, finally making it a place where Asman could see the arrows arching over the walls. "They are antagonizing us because they know we are small in number."

Niallen took in the information the same as Asman, the former clenching his jaw and swiftly dodging a single arrow that had come too close.

"We need to get everyone inside or against the walls while I think." Niallen ordered both the Commander and the Guard.

Both nodded and Asman watched as they set to gathering the soldiers with the new directive. Asman stayed and followed Niallen as they pressed up against the stone fort wall.


"No. I know that you likely have some irrational idea going on in your head that will likely end in you dying, so no, Asman." Niallen bit out and kept to the wall while he walked towards the southern gate.

"You do not know what I was going to say! It is a perfectly rational plan and only would result in my death if I was thick." Asman huffed and glared at Niallen's back, the man slowing while they got closer to the large wooden door.

Niallen easily turned to give Asman a look that very clearly showed what he thought about Asman not being thick.

"God, you are an arse, would you just listen to it before you turn it down? Unless you can think of another and better one while the Feliasians are shooting arrows over the fort walls?" Asman hissed at the man, who had returned to his creeping along the wall.

"Yes, in fact. We find out how many men there are and then attack." Niallen stopped as they reached the last few steps away from the gate.

"How do you expect to find out how many men there are? Are you going to open the gate and look?" Asman asked sarcastically with raised eyebrows even though Niallen could not see him.

Asman waited for a few moments for an answer before scoffing and resisting the urge to smack Niallen on the back of his head.

"Look, my plan needs darkness to work, and seeing as the sun will likely be rising soon, you either need to make a decision or I am leaving without your permission." Asman growled out at Niallen's back, which was still facing him.

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