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HERBOLOGY CAME AND went for the group. Lily saw Estelle and Charlie pair up, so she paired with a Gryffindor boy she knew to be nice and they worked in a comfortable silence. Occasionally, one would make a comment about the work at hand, but no greater conversation was struck up. 

Just like Herbology, the first couple of weeks were uneventful, weirdly. James Sirius Potter hadn't asked her out once. And now people were starting to take notice. Rumors about one of or both of them being gay, them dating in secret and more were being passed around the school. Everyone was curious as to why the infatuated boy hadn't displayed his affections in an extravagant way. 

Also, the quartet of troublemakers hadn't done a big prank yet, small ones here and there, so the castle was holding its breath. Waiting, watching, listening for the sound of laughter of the four boys echoing through the hallway. 

Lily shared some classes with her friends: DADA, Charms, Transfiguration and Potions. But out of their friends, it was only Lily and James together in Arithmancy and only her and Lysander together in Astronomy, though they never conversed during the class. 

She assumed that because they were the Heads, McGonagall put them together for their shared classes so it would be easier to plan and go to meetings with her. But, they didn't sit together during any of their class, even Arithmancy. James sat with another Gryffindor boy, Ryan Allen-Chang, son of Cho Chang and Lily sat with a Hufflepuff girl, Mishka Kumar, one of Padma Patil's children. 

Lily had also been expecting much more disruption in the dorm, but due to conflicting schedules and homework being piled on, James and Lily rarely saw each other. But they had developed a routine, small things that they didn't notice doing, but that seemed to occur anyway.

James wouldn't use an alarm clock anymore, he'd wake up to Lily turning on the shower and putting tea mugs in the sink. Lily would always straighten James's shoes by the door, more and more to his exact foot stance which allowed him to slip in easily. James would organize books strewn on the tables when he was stressed and needed to release it, by subject, which helped Lily when she was searching for a book. Lily would always wait every night for the door to slam and for feet to trudge in and the shower to turn on before going to sleep, no matter how late it was. She would always subconsciously make sure that James got back safely. 

They didn't notice that they did these things. The rhythms of their lives changed that year to fit each other and slip into a subtle harmony, if you didn't listen close enough, you wouldn't hear it, but it still sounded pleasant to the ear. They started to get to know each other, not through directly talking but through their clothes, their habits, what they ate, when they slept, what they spent the most time studying. 

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