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the library!

THE WORKINGS OF time eluded Lily and Henry because before they knew it, their time had ended and James was waiting for her in the library. She reluctantly got up, packed her things and headed over to the library, but not before encouraging Henry to talk to Will again. 

She made her way to the library to find James already there, sitting and reading by himself. She didn't know if she wanted him to see her quite yet, so she stood still, just observing. It was curious what had happened to him over the course of a few months. Perhaps it was because she'd gotten to know him, but it was like he'd grown up five years in a matter of months. He still held on to some of his boyish tendencies, but they were different — more controlled. 

Unfortunately, her time observing was cut short as he looked up, feeling her eyes on him. Instead of smirking like she was certain he would, he just smiled and waved her over. She resigned herself to her situation as she headed over to the table. He had on his full uniform as it was quite chilly outside, but when she set her bag down, he took off his cloak. 

"Hi Lily! Thanks for meeting me!" James said. 

"Hi Potter," she said shortly. 

She hated how nice he was being. However, when she looked over the contents of the table, she noticed books on unicorns and not Basilisks. 

"Wait, Potter, we're doing the essay on basilisks, not unicorns," Lily said, confused. 

"Oh, I finished that essay a couple days ago, it's Lysander who hasn't handed it in. But I asked Clearwater what the new essay topic was going to be and after a little bit of persuasion she said it was unicorns," James revealed with a knowing smile. 

"What?" Lily asked.

"Unicorns. That's what we're studying next," James repeated. 

"So you brought me here on false pretenses?" Lily asked him. 

"Well technically you asked me, so you brought me here on false pretenses," James corrected with amused eyes. 

She gave him a bored look as she regretted every life decision that she'd ever made that led her to the seat diagonal from him. 

"So, Edwards, are you going to sit down or not?" James asked. 

She huffed and sat down. Her favorite magical creatures were unicorns and he already had the books so she reasoned that she could get the work done, even if her partner was less than favourable.

HISTORY, james sirius potterWhere stories live. Discover now