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a little gryffindor courage!

LILY HAD NOT spoken to James in a month and it was hell for both of them. James kept trying to rationalize it, in vain. 

But now, he didn't have time to think about that. It was the most important match of the season: Gryffindor vs. Slytherin ( again ), but they were tied for house points and so whoever won this game effectively won the house cup ( unless someone pulled a stunt like his dad and grabbed the rug out from under all of them ). 

It was 3 am and he was tirelessly going over all of his plays at the kitchen table. His quidditch books were sprawled out all over the table. His hair was the messiest it had ever been as his hands had been constantly running through it. 

By the time morning came, Lily woke up and got dressed in a charcoal pleated skirt and a red, loose turtleneck sweater, for Nyah. She stepped out of her dorm carefully, trying not to coincide with James's door swinging open, but instead found him asleep on the table. 

She stood, frozen, not daring to wake him up. She took her want out and slowly levitated his body and carefully placed him in his bed. She tucked him into his duvet and stood, staring at his sleeping form. This was the most she'd seen him in a while and it hurt.

She slowly leaned down and kissed his cheek before quickly and quietly exiting his room, making sure to close the door. 

The rest of the day went relatively normally for Lily as she studied with her friends and ate good food in the Great Hall. After a couple of weeks, her friends laid off on walking her to and from classes and the dorms. She knew that they had her best intentions at heart, but she enjoyed the alone time that she was once again granted. 

The Great Hall during lunch was packed with students as the quidditch match would start in just under an hour. Both teams were in there and Lily was happy to see that most students had both red and green face paint on ( however, there were still quite a few that stuck with only one team ). 

She walked over to a ( very nervous looking ) Scorpius Malfoy who was playing with the mashed potatoes on his plate while his boyfriend Al tried to coax him out of abandoning the game.

"Ah, Lily's coming over! Lily! Help me convince Scorp that he should in fact play," Albus called as Scorpius sent him a playful stink eye. 

"Wait, Scorpius? You're not going to play?" Lily asked.

"Of course not! James is ruthless and especially now since you — " Scorpius ranted, but then caught himself. 

"Since when?" Lily asked, growing concerned.

HISTORY, james sirius potterWhere stories live. Discover now