17; The One With Two Parts, Part II

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Lisa didn't feel like listening to Monica and Rachel as they talked about Rachel's sprain and how good looking the doctors were

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Lisa didn't feel like listening to Monica and Rachel as they talked about Rachel's sprain and how good looking the doctors were. Why? Because she was fuming. If anyone looked hard enough, they would probably find smoke blowing out her ears. It was Phoebe's birthday today, and Ross had gone to get the cake. Everyone was there at Monica and Rachel's apartment. Everyone except Joey. George was comforting her but couldn't do much because he knew if he were in that position, he would be pretty upset too.

"C'mon, he still hasn't arrived," Lisa hissed, bunching up the end of George's shirt in anger. He smiled a little, removing her hand from his shirt and holding it. "George, even Betty is here. And I don't even know who Betty is."

George sighed. "It was his decision, Lis. If he wants to be with Ursula, then let him. If he doesn't care about his friends then I think it's his fault. Loosen up, hm? It's your best friend's birthday."

Lisa opened her mouth to respond with a thank you but there was a knock at the door. Someone turned the music off, the whole party running and hiding, except for Monica and Rachel who answered their door. The whole party jumped up, yelling "SURPRISE!"

However, it was Ross. Startled, he threw his arms up to defend himself, the box of cake flying from his hands and landing with a squishy thud, some of the contents oozing out onto the floor. Clearly, he wasn't pleased. "What the Hell are you doing? You scared the crap outta me."

"Was that the cake?" Rachel asked with a grimace, looking at the cake on the ground.

Ross scowled at her, picking it up. "Yeah, yeah. I got a lemon schmush."

Monica sighed, ushering him inside. "Come on, she'll be here any minute."

The whole party gathered around as Ross put the box on the coffee table. Lisa sighed, thinking that everything would be going downhill from here. And she was right. As Ross opened the lid, everybody looked at the mess inside. Lisa tilted her head, reading it. "Happy Birthday Peehe. Great, so now we've changed her name as well."

"Well maybe we can make a 'B' out of one of those roses," Monica suggested.

Ross, still annoyed, scoffed. "Yeah, we'll just use our special cake tools."

"Hey, what's going on?"

Everyome turned to find Phoebe, looking confused. "Surprise!"

Even though that was pretty terrible, Phoebe seemed delighted, slightly jumping on her heels. "Oh, oh, oh! This is so great! Oh my god! This was not at all scary. Hi everybody! Hi Betty! Betty, Hi!" Thrilled, she turned to Chandler, who was smiling. "You found Betty! Oh my god!" She hugged a few people near her, before looking around. "This is great. Everybody I love is in the same room!" Still happy, she turned to Lisa, who braced herself for a question she knew was coming. "Where's Joey?"

The party instantly fell flat. Lisa just held Phoebe's hand to comfort her, while Chandler awkwardly motioned towards Betty. "Did you-did you see Betty?"

Betty waved her hand to say 'hi', but Phoebe could only give her a tight lipped smile.


It had been two days, and everyone was hanging out at Lisa's place, for a change. Phoebe was comfortable on the large armchair, George and Lisa on the big armchair next to the blonde's. His arm was around her shoulder and hers were around his torso. Ross, Chandler and Monica were on the main couch, and Rachel was sitting on the ottoman. Joey had quietly entered, greeting them with a gloomy look on his face.

Everyone noticed his frown, but Phoebe spoke first. "Trouble?"

Joey plopped down on an armchair across from where Lisa and George were. "Your sister stood me up the other night."

Phoebe faked a gasp. "Oh, no. Don't you hate it when people aren't there for you?"

"Well did you try calling her?" George asked.

Joey nodded. "I've been trying for two days. When I called the restaurant, they said she was too busy to talk. I can't believe she's blowin' me off."

Lisa wanted to be angry with Joey, but as she watched him shaking his head in pain and disbelief, she knew that it wasn't his fault. Just then, Phoebe called her to talk in the kitchen. Lisa got up from the chair, following Phoebe into the kitchen. "Pheebs, what's wrong?"

"Okay, I think we've both noticed that Joey is upset," Phoebe said slowly. "And that it isn't really his fault."

Lisa bit the inside of her cheek, glancing at Joey from the kitchen; he seemed more upset than ever. The brunette nodded. "So what are you thinking?"

Phoebe explained to her the plan. That she would dress up as Ursula and break things off with Joey properly to make him feel better. Lisa's eyes widened. "That's crazy!"

Phoebe, smiled, bouncing excitedly. "I know! Do you think I should do it?"

Lisa sighed, pursing her lips. "Go for it." She winked at Phoebe. "You've got nothing to lose."


Lisa and George were the only ones who knew about Phoebe's plan. They were walking around the streets near to Central Perk, Lisa's arm linked with his as she was cold. George kept sneaking glances at the coffee shop, only to find Phoebe and Joey still talking. "Think we should stop and watch?" George asked, leaning down towards Lisa since he was pretty tall.

"And act like creeps?" Lisa scoffed. "Yeah, okay."

They looked in the coffee shop, but found that their jaws were slacked. Joey and Phoebe. Kissing. As they pulled away, Lisa could see Joey mouth "Phoebe?", before he looked outside, finding George and Lisa shocked. The couple glanced at each other before quickly walking away, startled as uncontrollable laughter leaving their lips.


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