Chapter 9

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You stood in front of the door to BTS' apartment, smoothing out your wrinkle-free skirt, which was really just an excuse to wipe off your sweaty palms. Looking down at your outfit one more time, you pleaded to whatever divine power was listening that you weren't over dressed for the occasion.

As the self-dubbed stylist of your group, Minji raided your closet in order to find you the perfect outfit. After 30 minutes, every inch of your bedroom floor was covered in clothes, and Minji hadn't found a single satisfactory clothing item she approved of. Grabbing your arm, she paraded you both over into Jaehwa's room, since you were both around the same size. 

Finally, after an hour of playing dress-up, Minji settled on a plaid, pink, split hem skirt paired with a white sweater that matched the lines on your skirt. After much argument, she allowed you to wear sheer tights underneath the skirt. You tried to cover as much skin as possible to avoid any accidental finger grazes. The universe seemed to love to throw those at you. 

The white boots you wore made a slight thudding noise as you stepped towards the doorbell. As you heard the musical tones ring inside the house, you willed your heart rate to slow down. 

It's just dinner, Y/N. Just make small talk. Do talk about their music and yours. Don't talk about family. Do talk about your favorite hobbies. Don't talk about bonding or your potential relationship. 

When you heard the doorknob rattle, you began to panic a little more, finishing off your internal peptalk.

Just smile and nod, smile and nod, smile and-

"Y/N you made it!" Jeongguk exclaimed as the door swung wide open. "Welcome to our humble abode." 

Jeongguk stepped towards you with his arms stretched out, clearly leaning in for a hug. Imaginary sirens started going off in your head, but your body froze. 

"Jeongguk-ssi, I've been told you were kind but I never expected such a warm welcome!"

You couldn't help but giggle at Jeongguk's stunned expression as he stepped back, looking at the woman he'd just embraced.

Chanmi gave him a dazzling smile before linking her arm with yours. "May we come in?"


An awkward silence filled the room as you and Chanmi looked at the seven boys sitting on the couches across from you both. Clearly they weren't expecting you to bring a plus one considering the confused glances they sent each other and Chanmi. You sat near Chanmi, your hand gripping hers tightly, still anxious about how this night would progress. 

Seokjin, ever the charmer, was the first to break the silence. "It's so nice to finally meet you Han Chanmi-ssi. You're a very talented rapper, and we've always wanted to meet you."

"Oh you flatter me too much Kim Seokjin-ssi, but believe me, I know I'm a talented rapper," Chanmi flipped her hair over her shoulder.

You rolled your eyes, "Oh great, here we go again. Please don't feed into her ego, I'll never hear the end of it."

Although you said it rather quietly, everyone heard your comment and began to laugh. Just like that, the awkwardness was gone. 

Seokjin and Yoongi excused themselves to finish cooking, leaving the rest of you to chat in the living room. As the night went on, you felt yourself beginning to relax and contributing more to the conversation. Whether you wanted to admit it or not, being around your soulmates filled you with energy that you'd never had before. You felt content, and free. Your soulmates made you feel comfortable to be yourself, and Chanmi seemed to notice this as well, as some point in time, she let go of your hand. 

Your cheeks were hurting while you laughed at the story Hoseok was telling. "They left you there?"

"Yes! They left me at the gas station and drove off! Hidden cameras are only fun when I'm not the one being pranked!" You suppress the urge to coo at Hoseok's pout as he recalled a memory from one of Bangtan's various trips. 

"At least they came back for you, my members literally forgot me at the airport in France," you confessed, sending Chanmi a quick glare. She didn't notice as she was too invested in playing with Taehyung and his puppy. 

Jimin gasped, "They forgot you?"

You giggled and nodded. "I wanted to get some coffee since I couldn't sleep on the plane and was really tired. I guess they didn't notice I wasn't following them because of the crowd. Nayoung unnie, our leader, did a head count in the car, but assumed I'd just gotten into one of the staff cars. It wasn't until they got to the hotel 20 minutes away that they noticed they left me behind. So much for maknaes getting special treatment, my unnies don't care about me," you huffed and crossed your arms, acting hurt.

Jeongguk gasped, "Exactly, other maknaes get babied by their groups! My hyungs only bully me."

"Yah!" Namjoon smacked Jeongguk upside the head. "That's not true at all, you're the one who always beats us up!"

Jeongguk whined and rubbed his head while you laughed along with Hoseok and Jimin. "That's not true hyung! I only beat up Jimin hyung because he's small."

"Hey!" Jimin pouted, not liking the fact that his younger soulmate was calling him short. 

Before an argument could brew between the two boys, Seokjin called out for everyone to eat dinner. 


Dinner went by smoothly, all nine of you making small talk about anything and everything. Anytime the conversation turned into something you didn't want to talk about, Chanmi swiftly changed the subject. 

You were relieved that this night had gone by without a hitch. Maybe you'd been anxious for no reason. Your members were right, sometimes you can enjoy yourself without something going wrong. 

You watched as Chanmi cheered, having successfully beaten Taehyung and Jeongguk at video games for the fifth time that night. You looked at the older boys' faces as Taehyung and Jeongguk pouted. Adoration was visible in all of their eyes as they looked at their youngest soulmates. You felt a pang in your chest, the emptiness more prominent than usual. You wished someone would look at you like that. As if you'd hung the stars in the sky. You wanted a love story so beautiful, it rivaled that of the Greek mythologies. 

You shook the thoughts away from your head as you looked down at your hands. Love is a luxury you couldn't afford in this life. For now, you were content with the tenderness your members gave you. Maybe, as reparation for your suffering in this lifetime, your fantasy love story would be the reality of your next life. 

When you looked back up, you met eyes with Yoongi. The fair-haired rapper sent you a look as if asking, 'are you alright?' 

You responded with a nod and a close-lipped smile, you would be ok. Someday. 


Hello lovelies!

I actually wanted to add another scene but it felt right to end this chapter here, so we get two chapters at BTS's apartment. Yay!

I hope you all liked this chapter!


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