Chapter 11

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So fun fact: I usually listen to BTS while I write because it's physically impossible for me to type Korean or Japanese words while typing, so I can multitask better. Except just now Lights came on and I literally wrote "You're my light" in the middle of the chapter LOL (p.s. You're my light, you're my light, itsu date boku no kokuro ni sashi komu~)


"Y/N-ie, I'm sorry, please don't cry," Chanmi pleaded with you as you sat on the couch, face buried into Minji's chest. 

"I'm not crying Mimi, just..." you sighed. "I don't know what to feel honestly. Clearly things are going to happen no matter how hard I try to prevent them. Jeongguk physically ran into me at the park and Seokjin was just trying to prevent a concussion. Neither one of them maliciously tried to touch me, it just happened."

As soon as the boys found you and Seokjin in the kitchen, Chanmi dragged you out of the apartment. None of the boys put up a fight this time around, although you did see Taehyung and Jimin pouting, clearly not happy. However, you couldn't tell whether it was because you were leaving, or because they wished it was them in Seokjin's place earlier in the kitchen. It was most likely the latter considering you heard Taehyung's quiet "I call doing the dishes next time" before the door completely shut. 

The car ride home was extremely quiet, Chanmi holding your hand the whole way home. Your members knew something was wrong the second you both entered the apartment, ushering you both to the couch, listening intently as you recalled the events of dinner. 

"Oh chickie, I'm so sorry baby. You don't deserve to be in this much pain," Minji soothingly caressed your hair. 

"I just don't want to hurt the boys. They don't realize the darkness I'll bring into their lives. To them, I'm just another member of the happy family. If they knew what my life was like, the danger I'd be submitting them to if they got involved, they would wish they'd never met me," you lamented, feeling your heart ache at your own words. Is it possible that you'd already gotten a little attached? Although you'd only spent a few hours with them, they made you feel like you finally belonged somewhere. You'd had a taste of the family you'd always wanted. Fate was a cruel thing, giving you a taste of a precious life, then ripping it away. 

"I don't know Y/N, from what I noticed in the past few hours, they don't seem like the type to abandon someone who needs help. If they came to know about your past, maybe they'd help you. Lee couldn't hurt them if they knew what he was capable of," Chanmi commented. You began shaking your head, not fond of the idea of the boys finding out about your messed up life. 

"I really think you should tell them Y/N," Nayoung said from her place on the bean bag chair in the corner. As the leader, Nayoung was always busy during the day whether it be helping the managers set up an event or writing new music for an upcoming comeback. Because of this, she valued every second of sleep she managed to get. But when it came to you, she'd give up sleep in a heartbeat. 

The exhaustion was clear in Nayoung's face, dark circles under her eyes hinting at a stressful week, but when Minji woke her up for an urgent family meeting, Nayoung was the first one in the living room, listening attentively to every word you said. That didn't prevent her from leaning back in the comfortable bean bag chair, closing her eyes every once in a while.  

"But unnie-" you started.

"No buts, Song Y/N!" Jaehwa burst out. Her patience was a ticking time bomb that just hit 0:00. Jaehwa, although one of the most caring members of the group, tended to be a bit one track minded. To her, every problem had a simple solution. In this case, the solution to the confusion about your soulmates was to tell them the truth, then with their help, find a way to leave the company. Although she knew in the back of her mind that it wouldn't be that simple, Jaehwa just wanted you to at least try. 

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